26- Packing

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"Hey baby. What an earth are you doing?" Daniel asked as he walked in.

"I'm boxing up all our clothes and things. We get to move back tomorrow!" Emily replied smiling.

"I know. I didn't forget. Where are the kids?"

"They're already in bed," she said standing up. "I don't like it when you work late."

Daniel took a few steps closer to her.

"I don't like it either, I'm sorry," he replied wrapping his arms around her.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're home now."

"I'll make sure I'm home earlier I promise."

"Thank you."

Emily smiled slightly and nestled into Daniels chest; happy to feel him close to her.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her.

"I feel fine, you worry to much. I just didn't sleep much last night."

"Well go to bed now so you can at least try and get some sleep tonight."

"No I can't. I've got too much stuff to do."

Daniel shook his head, picked her up as a short surprised squeal left her mouth.

"Daniel what are you doing! Put me down!" She said hitting him playfully.

"No. You're going to bed and resting."

Emily sighed and Daniel sat her down on the bed, took of her shoes and pulled the blankets over her.

"Daniel you can't expect to put me to bed and for me to just go to sleep. I'm not your daughter."

Daniel chuckled at the comment and sat down on the edge of the bed while resting his hand on her stomach.

"You need to sleep. For our little one."

"I feel okay today, our baby's been moving all day and I'm really not tired. I don't want to sleep."

"Please just relax for one night."

Emily sighed. She didn't want to get into an argument now of all times.

"Will you at least lay with me? Please?" She asked.

"I thought you wanted me to finished packing up our things."

"The baby wants a cuddle."

She smiled slightly, knowing he wouldn't say no if it had something to do with the baby. Slowly Daniel stood up and walked out of the room. He turned off the lights in the sitting area and then walked back in, stripping down to just his boxer shorts.

Emily rolled over and leaned into his chest and he laid down beside her. Already she could feel her eye lids getting heavier. She never got so sleepy so quickly, but she put it down to the baby.

"Goodnight beautiful," Daniel whispered as he watched her heavy eyelids close.

"Goodnight," she mumbled in reply.

Daniel laid there with his sleeping on his chest as he ran his hand over her stomach. Occasionally he'd feel a kick and Emily would stir slightly but stayed asleep.

"Time to let mummy sleep now baby boy," he whispered quietly.

"How do you know it's a boy?" Emily mumbled quietly.

He didn't know she was awake and listening to what he was saying.

"It was just a guess darling. The baby can be what ever it wants."

With that, he kissed Emilys forehead and she nuzzled into him, falling back asleep.

Danily Family ~ Baby Number 3Where stories live. Discover now