18- Fire

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It was early Thursday morning when Daniel woke up. In fact you couldn't really call it morning when it's only 1:30, it's still the middle of the night. He could hear the beeping of the smoke alarm downstairs and he looked over to Emily next to him, beginning to wake up from the noise.

"What's wrong?" She asked as he slowly got out of bed.

"It's just the batteries going flat in one of the smoke detectors. I'll get it."

She nodded and rolled back over as Daniel walked out of the room. He walked past the nursery and Thomas' room before reaching the top of the stairs. He stood there for a moment and smelt the air, before rounding the corner and climbing down a few steps to find the kitchen and part of the dinning area alight with flames.

"Shit," he mumbled taking off back up the stairs. "EMILY!"

She ran out of the bedroom and looked at him. He was standing outside the door of Thomas' room.

"There's a fire! Get Tayla."

He didn't need to say anything more. She sprinted across the hall and grabbed Tayla from the cot. By the time she was back out in the hallway Daniel was by his side with Thomas on his hip. Together they sprinted down the hallway. The black smoke was starting to fill the hallway and Emily coughed while Daniel cleared his throat.

"It's alright Em. Once we get down stairs we crawl until we are outside."

He was trying to hide his panic and be strong for her.

They reached the top of the stairs and Emily froze looking down at her kitchen on fire.

"Em," Daniel said.

She looked to him, then to Thomas' panic-filled eyes, then to Tayla crying in her arms. Without a second thought she dashed down the stairs. Once she reached the bottom she hit the ground trying to get away from the smoke. Skillfully, she managed to crawl to the door with Tayla in one arm.

Through the smoke Emily managed to open the door and stumble out off the decking and on to the soft sand. She quickly turned around to make sure Daniel and Thomas had come out. Straight away Daniel wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his chest.

She breathed heavily and tried to calm herself down and not cry. Tayla was crying in her arms, and Thomas crying in Daniels but neither Daniel or Emily focused on that. They were to busy in their own minds.

"Our house," Emily sobbed as she pulled away and wiped under her eyes.

The sirens of fire engines could be heard in the distance and Emily looked up at the burning house while placing her hand on her stomach. It hurt from running and taking in so much smoke.

"Are you alright?" Daniel asked taking a deep breath.

"Yeah," she coughed. "I just need to get some fresh air back into my lungs." She looked at Tayla crying, "Baby girl it's alright. We are all alright. Shhhh."

Emily kept one arm around her and rubbed her back trying to calm her down as Daniel did the same to Thomas. They stood at the front of the house while two fire trucks and an ambulance pulled up. It was protocol for an ambulance to show up at a fire.

Straight away men started jumping out and connecting up hoses. Soon enough there was water flowing and pouring into the house.

Paramedics came running up to Daniel and Emily asking if any one was hurt, or if there was anyone else in the house.

"I think you should be looked at Emily," Daniel said.

"I'm fine," she replied.

"Do you have concerns Mr Grayson?" One of the paramedics asked.

"I'd just rather be on the safe side. Please look over her, she's pregnant."

Emily sighed and the paramedics nodded. Daniel took Tayla from her arms and they all walked over to the ambulance.

"How many weeks?" One of them asked sitting Emily down.

"18," she replied.

They quickly checked her blood pressure as Daniel stood by watching with concern.

"You're okay. Just put this on for a little bit to get some oxygen back into you," the women said handing her an oxygen mask.

Emily sighed and held it to her mouth. Although she didn't want to admit it, it felt nice to have a fresh breath of air in her lungs.

"I am fine," Emily said taking the mask away for a moment to speak to Daniel before putting it back over her mouth.

"Obviously not if you're having to have that on," he replied.

"It's just from the smoke Mr Grayson," the paramedic said. "In fact it'd probably do you all the world of good to have a couple of minutes with one."

The paramedic handed Daniel a second oxygen mask and Emily chuckled slightly as he too put it over his mouth.

After a few minutes Emily took hers away and took Tayla from Daniel then sat Tayla on her lap trying to put the oxygen mask over her face. She didn't like it at first and kept pushing Emilys hand away but eventually she sat there tiredly leaning against Emilys chest while she let her hold the mask over her face.

Soon after a car came speeding along and pulled into the driveway.

"It's dad," Daniel said as Conrad jumped out of the car and looked around for Daniel and Emily.

As soon as he spotted them, he ran over to the ambulance.

"Daniel, Emily. What the hell happened?!"

"We just woke up....our whole kitchen and dining," Emily said looking up slightly.

"Well are all of you okay?"

"Yeah we are now," Daniel said taking the mask away from Thomas' face.

"And the baby?" He asked Emily.

"We are both fine."

The flames in the house finally went out and all three adults looked at the black corner of the house where the kitchen was inside. A fire-fighter walked over.

"The fire's all out Mr," he said to Daniel.

"Thank you so much," Daniel said standing up and shaking his hand. "Do you know what caused the blaze?"

"It's hard to say sir. An investigator will be here in the morning."

Daniel nodded and sat back down with Thomas on his lap.

"Lets get you four back to the Manor. Can they leave now?" Conrad asked the paramedic.

She nodded and Conrad helped Emily stand. Slowly the fire trucks and paramedics left. They would deal with the problem in the morning. Right now everyone just wanted to get back to sleep. Although Emily didn't know if she could.

A/N: Sorry I know this is like probably a really boring chapter but I needed something interesting to happen....

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