cross my heart
hope to die
to my lover i'd never lie
he said: ,,be true"
i swear: ,,i'll try"
in the end it's
him and ihe's out his head
i'm out of my mind
we got the love
that crazy kind
i am his
and he is mine
in the end it's
him and ii lost him...
Cez moje srdce
Dúfam, že zomriem
Nikdy dom svojmu milencovi neklamala
Povedal: ,,buď úprimná"
Súhlasila som: ,,skúsim"
Na konci sme
On a jaJe pomätený
Ja som blázon
Máme túto lásku
Tento šialený druh
Ja som jeho
A on je môj
Na konci sme
On a jaStratila som ho...