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Ryou will portray Ariel
Marik will portray Jasmine
Yugi will portray Cinderella
Jonouchi will portray Mulan
Miho will portray Giselle
Vivian will portray Meg
Anzu will portray Belle
Mia will portray Aurora

Yami Yugi will be known as Yami
Yami Marik will be known as Malik
Yami Bakura will be knowsn as Bakura

"This is speaking"
This is singing parts
'This is thinking'

All of Disney, Disney Princesses, Yu-Gi-Oh characters or any songs do not belong to me. This story does though.



The sun was barely rising in Kingdom Disney as some people start to wake up. Deep in the ocean of Kingdom Disney, in a little underwater house, Ryou was fast asleep. Ryou is a mermaid who can transform into a human when she's on land. She has pure white hair with emerald eyes and has beautiful pale skin. Her tail has beautiful emerald scales that shine in the sun and has a shell shape bra that has baby blue and white stripes as its pattern.As she lays on her bed, dreaming peacefully, her conch shell phone starts to ring. Ryou wake up by the sound and she picks up the shell and answers. "Hello, this is Ryou." She says sleepily.
"Hey sleepy head." A female voice said.
"Marik?" Ryou asks.
"Yes Marik. Did you just get up?" Marik ask. Marik is a descendant from Egyptian and Arabic royalty with sandy blond hair and lavender eyes with tan skin. She usually dresses in her purple crop tube top, which shows most of her stomach, and purple pants. She has golden bracelets, necklaces, arm bands, and anklets that she has on on a daily bases.
"Yes I did." Ryou yawns.
"Well hurry up and get to the surface me, Yugi and Jou are going to be there in 5 minutes to meet you okay bye." And Marik hangs up.
Ryou just sighs as she puts down the shell and swims to her mirror to get clean. After that's done she swims out of her house and heads to the beach where she usually meets her friends. Once she pops her head out of the water she makes her fins disappear and replace them with legs. She wears the same top but her skirt is short and grey. While she walks in the water to get out she spots her friends waving at her.
"Hey Ryou what took you so long?" Jonouchi asks. Jonouchi is a descendant of female warriors with blond hair that goes a little further than her shoulders and has honey brown eyes with a slight tan. She wears tight gray pants with a brown training shirt.
"I was asleep." Ryou says with a smile as he gets out of the water.
"Oh sorry about that." Yugi says with an apologetic smile. Yugi is a girl who's grandfather had own a big home but when married, to Yugi's now step-grandmother, she was forced to be a servant when her grandfather passed away. She has black hair with amethyst tips and blond bangs and has amethyst eyes. She wears a blue dress with the sleeves colored black and has a white apron.
"It's fine I didn't mind." Ryou says.
"Well enough chatting and let's go into town and eat." Marik states as they start to walk to the town.
Little town, it's a quiet village. Yugi says as they enter the village.
Every day like the one before. Joey sighs.
Little town, full of little people, Marik starts to say.
Waking up to say. Ryou finishes Marik sentence.
Bonjour! A man greets as he opens his window as the girls pass by.
Bonjour! Another says.
Bonjour! A woman greets as she cleans some sheets.
Bonjour! The chimney man pops up the chimney as he waves.
Bonjour! The towns clown greets.
There goes the baker with his tray like always. Jonouchi looks at the baker.
The same old bread and rolls to sell. Marik sighs.
Every morning just the same since the morning that we came, Ryou starts to say.
To this poor provincial town. Yugi finishes as they get near the bakery.
Good Morning Girls! The baker says with glee.
G'morning Monsier! The Hikari's say.
Where you girls off to? The Baker asks.
The market...we decided to have some breakfast, and talk about some of our drea... Ryou starts to say.
That's nice. Marie! The baguettes! Hurry up! The baker interrupts Ryou.
Look there they go, those girls are strange, and that's no question. Alone and distracted can't you tell? A group called the Peaches say as the Hikari's walk again to their favorite market place.
Never part of any crowd. Anzu, the head leader, says.
'Cause their head's up on some cloud. Miho says.
No denying they're funny girls, those Hikari's. The Peaches say in Union.
Bonjour! One of the men greet the Hikari's.
Good day! Yugi greets back.
How is your family? The towns people talk to each other.
Bonjour! A woman says.
Good day! A man replies.
How is your wife? The same on asks.
I need six eggs! A child says.
That's too expensive. A mother replies.
There must be more than this provincial life. Jonouchi and Marik say together.
Ah! Girls! Pegasus, the owner of a market stand greets them. Pegasus has long silver hair which cover his left eye. He is tall and very likable in the kingdom.
Good Morning! We have come to buy some breakfast! Ryou greets.
Only the four of you? Pegasus asks even though he already knew the answer.
It's not like people would eat with us. Got anything new? Marik ask as she looks around.
Ha ha. Not since yesterday! Pegasus laughs as Marik and Jonouchi pout.
That's alright. We'll get...these! Yugi chirps as she points to some crepes.
Those?! But you've had those twice this week! Pegasus says with a hint of shock.
Well it's our favorite! It's delicious, nutritious, magical, and it's from a far off land! Jonouchi exclaims with a dreamy face.
If you girls like it all that much, it's don't pay for them. Pegasus laughs and smiles at the girls.
But sir! Ryou and Yugi try to protest.
I insist. Pegasus says as he gives them the crepes.
Well thank you! Thank you very much! The Hikari's thank and then wave to Pegasus as they start to walk back.
Look there they go, those girls are so peculiar. I wonder if they're feeling well. Some men whisper to each other.
With a dreamy far off look. A group of women gossip.
And their nose stuck in some food. The same men exclaim.
What a puzzle to the rest of us, are the Hikari's. The villagers say as they look at the Hikari's who get near the fountain.
Oh! Isn't this amazing? Jonouchi sighs with glee.
This is my favorite food because well you'll see. Yugi says as she look at the crepe.
Here's where they taste so good. Ryou exclaims as she was about to take a bite when Marik takes it away.
But we won't be able to eat until we get to the tree. Marik reminds them.
Now it's no wonder that their name means light, their hearts have got no parallel. A woman says as she looks from her window.
But behind that fair facade, I'm afraid they're rather odd. Very different from the rest of us... A man replies.
They're nothing like the rest of us. Yes, different from the rest of us are the Hikari's. The villagers say.
Wow! We didn't miss a shot you guys! We're the greatest hunters in the whole world. Valon says with excitement. Valon is part of the noble class as his family is good with inventions. He has spiky brown hair with blue eyes.
We know. Dartz smirks at Valon's statement. Dartz is family is on of the oldest from the kingdom and they are very high ranked. He has very long real hair with his right eye teal and his left eye gold.
No beast alive stands a chance against us. And no girl for that matter. Valon says as he spots some girls.
It's true Valon. And I've got my sights set on the one. Zigfried proclaims as he sees Ryou walking with the rest of the Hikari's. Zigfried's family are the best florist and can do anything with plants. He has long purple hair and bluish eyes.
The the mermaid?! Shadi questions but then he sees Marik. Shadi's family are sceret and treasure keepers of the kingdom. He has blue eyes with no pupils and has no hair. These four boys are known as the Dukes.
She's the one! The lucky girl I'm going to marry! Zigfried says as he starts walking towards Ryou and the Hikari's and they don't notice them.
Then I'm marrying her. Valon proclaims as he looks at Jonouchi.
I'm going to marry her. Shadi says as he looks at Marik.
She will marry me. Dartz states as he looks at Yugi.
Right from the moment when I met her, saw her, Shadi starts to say.
I said she's gorgeous and I fell... Valon and Dartz say at the same time.
Here in town there's only she, who is beautiful as me. Zigfried says as he flicks his hair.
So I'm making plans to woo and marry her. All four say.
Look there they go, aren't they dreamy? Monsieur Duke's, oh they're so cute! Be still my heart, I'm hardly breathing. They're such tall, dark, strong and handsome brutes. Some very pretty girls say when they see them pass by heading to the Hikari's. As the village keeps whispering about the Hikari's who are almost at the end out town.
There must be more than this provincial life! The Hikari's exclaim a little loud.
Just watch I'm going to make her my wife! The Noble's says.
Look there they go, those girls are strange but special. A most peculiar mademoiselles. It's a pity and a sin, they doesn't quite fit in. But they're really are funny girls..beauties but funny girls..they really are funny girls...Those Hikari's!!! The villagers says as the Hikari's reach the end of town.
Bonjour! A villager says.
Bonjour! A another greets.
Bonjour! A child says.
Bonjour! The Peaches greet.
Bonjour! Pegasus says.
Hikari's! The Dukes shout but the Hikari's don't hear or see them as the villagers block their way.
"Ohh Jou can we get some sweets?" Yugi asks.
"Sure but not to many or you or Marik will get too hyper." Jonounchi says.
"I don't get hyper." Marik argues.
"Yes, so when you climbed the towns houses last week you weren't hyper." Ryou counters her. Yugi and Jonouchi laugh and Marik blushes.
"Ryou yours suppose to back me up." She pouts.
"Sorry Marik." Ryou smiles.
"Sure." Marik smiles. "Anyways I won't go hyper this time I promise."
"Should we trust her?" Jonouchi asks with a smirk.
"Hey." Marik shouts.
"Maybe we should give her another chance." Ryou says ignoring Marik.
"I'm right here you know." Marik pouts.
"But she might get hyper." Yugi recalls.
"Don't ignore me!" Marik yells as the other three start to laugh.
"Alright we'll get sweets but you can't get hyper Marik." Jonouchi says.
"Yeah let's go to the sweets shop everyone!" Marik yells and runs back to the the village sweet shop.
"We are going to regret this aren't we." Jonouchi says as she turns to Yugi and Ryou but she sees that they're gone. "Huh?" She looks at the direction of where Marik ran and she sees that Yugi and Ryou are running with Marik. "Oh I am so regretting this now." Jonouchi runs after them. "Wait for me!" She catches up with them.

After their run and getting their sweets, they head to the tree that separates the town and the ocean. While they eat they talk about the past few days.
"Did you guys hear the rumor?" Marik says with a hint of sneakiness.
"I did." Jonouchi says.
"So did I." Yugi replies.
"Well I didn't." Ryou pouts. "What rumor is going on this time?"
"Apparently the four Prince's are coming back to the kingdom from their journey." Marik says.
"And they're going to have a big celebration." Jonouchi continues.
"They're coming back today if I'm correct." Yugi finishes.
"I see. They're coming by boat right?" Ryou asks.
"Yeah, since that's the only way to get here, and they're going to have a ball three days after they have returned." Marik continues. "Also I heard that they are looking for girls to wed."
"You want to marry one of them Marik?" Yugi asks.
"Hell no they're too rich and uptight. Besides I want to go out in the world." Marik says looking at the sky.
"We all want that." Jonouchi says as they all look up at the sky.
"Well well well if it isn't the reject group." A high pitch voice says with laughter following behind.
"Well well well if it isn't the sluts." Marik counters with a growl.
"If you were more lady like Marik you would have had a man." Anzu says. Anzu is a daughter of one of the rich mans in the kingdom. She has enchanted items and is rumored to have a beast that listens to her. She has short brown hair with brown eyes and wears a short yellow dress and many ugly jewels.
"If being like you is lady like I rather stay how I am." Marik shoots back.
"Please Marik you and your group will never reach out status." Vivian states. She is part of Chinese and Greek singers and is also rich from fame of her family. She has black hair and hazel eyes with a yellow with pink dress on that fits her body tight.
"Or the prince's love." Miho says. Miho is royalty from her mother side and loves fashion. She has purple hair and brown eyes while wearing a pale blue dress.
"Or our beauty." Mai finishes off. Mai is a great actress and is good with animals as it runs with her fame. She has blond curly hair with brownish eyes and she wears an orange dress that goes up to her thigh. They are known as the Peaches but to the Hikari's, more like Marik and Jonouchi, they are the sluts.
"Why can't you guys just leave us alone?" Ryou ask.
"Because we can't let you four do what you want and we came here to warn you." Miho said with a smirk.
"Warn us about what?" Jonouchi glares.
"Well we want you four to stay away from the prince's when they get here." Mai says.
"We don't want to be near them anyways." Marik growls.
"Good because if you do we will make your life like hell." Vivian says.
"It's not like you don't already." Yugi mumbles.
"What did you say brat?" Anzu snaps.
"Leave her alone before I break you." Jonouchi stands up for Yugi.
"It's not worth it Jonouchi." Yugi assures her.
"Anyways we were just warning you and make sure that Ryou doesn't go near the boat." With Anzu saying that they leave Ryou, Yugi, Jonouchi, and Marik alone.
"They're right. Since I live in the water, there's a chance I may bump into them." Ryou admits.
"That's right you have to be back in the water or you'll get sick." Yugi says.
"Yeah I can't go a day without being in there for at least an hour." Ryou sighs.
"Want to stay with one of us? We can fill the bath tub with water?" Jonouchi ask.
"It's fine as long as I stay in my home I'll be fine." Ryou says.
"Then why don't we have a sleep over at your place then." Marik suggests. "It be fun."
"I don't see any problems with that. What about you Yug'?" Jonouchi says.
"No problems here." Yugi smiles.
"When did I agree to this?" Ryou raises an eyebrow.
"Just now." Marik smirks.
"Fine I'll get the house ready meet me here in an hour okay." Ryou says as she runs into the ocean changing back to a mermaid to fix her house so her friends can breath.

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