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amora bisognin

"that's the craziest idea someone has ever offered me, are you drunk?" i asked, concerned, from sofia. "it'll never work." i continued and slightly shook my head in a denial tone. she smiled.

"now that's where you're wrong." she chuckled but continued to bite her fingernails nervously.

"i know ethan isn't the brightest crayon in the box but he is in the box." i stated and looked around me, noticing people already leaving the school grounds.

"please, amora, you need to help me. i literally can't sleep at night because it keeps haunting my nightmares. i just need to know who he is having an affair with, if he is having one, of course. and that's where you come along." she pleaded, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and he lips apart, almost pouting. i sighed.

"i'll think about it, okay? i'll let you know soon, but luna is already waiting for me, i need to go." i said and looked behind me, where my eyes instantly locked with a pair of angry crystal blue eyes that a short blonde girl was holding.

"ah, yes, of course." she said and waved at me before leaving in her new, polished white land rover. no wonder ethan was dating this chick.

"why was sofia talking to you?" luna instantly asked when i was in her hearing range. i shook my elbows and rose my eyebrows, continued by a tongue click.

"but no, seriously." luna demanded and looked me straight in my hazel eyes.

"just homework from our french class, she wasn't going to steal your #1 best friend trophy, don't worry." i smiled and she playfully punched me in the arm.

"but i am afraid that our coffee date needs to be re-arranged." i said in a serious tone and she looks at me, shocked.

"what? why?"

"history project." she rolls her eyes. "oh come on! how 'bout thurday? i should be free."

i nodded in agreement and we started walking to the parking lot, where we eventually parted ways, she leaving in her dad's car and me leaving in my old-ish bmw, driving home.

the drive was silent, the radio was off and only the sound of the engine was keeping me company. i took a sharp left turn to my road, driving past the modern houses that eventually lead to my apartment building.

i parked the car on my parking spot and locked it with the press of a button.

i walked inside to the first floor and went straight to the elevators. i showed my apartment's key card to the reader, pressed the button and waited.

soon the light turned bright green and the doors opened for me. i stepped inside and the doors immediately closed, trapping me inside.

the elevator made its way to the highest floor, opened its' doors and i stepped out to my apartment.

i threw my backpack to the polished white floor and took off my shoes, placed them next to my other shoes and stretched my back in satisfaction.

i strolled over to my room to change my clothes to something more comfortable: a pair of black shorts and a white tank top. i stripped down and pulled on my shorts, and when i was about to pull the shirt over my head, i heard my phone ring in my backpack.

i threw the top on my bed and ran to my bag, opening it and taking my phone. without looking at the caller id, i answered it.


"amora? it's me, sofia." a high-pitched voice answered on the other side of the phone.

"oh hey, let me guess: you're calling because of ethan." i said bluntly and clicked my mouth. i heard her sigh on the other end.

"yeah, so are you going to help me or not?" she said, patience clearly not being one of her traits. i rolled my eyes.

"well, am i going to do this for free, or..?" i said, a smirk playing on my lips. she laughed.

"so you're telling me, you, amora bisogning, a new york elite, need more money than you already have? don't make me laugh."

i licked my lips. "well, valentino did just come out with a new handbag line, and chanel just released new lipsticks so.."

the line went silent for a second, until sofia opened her mouth again. "so how much are we talking? eight grand?"

"it's a deal! i'll text you my paypal and you can-"

"-wait, wait, wait, you think i'm giving you all the money right away? half now, the rest when you're finished." she said with pride in her voice and then chuckled, just to show how much power she held.

i smiled sarcastically. "fine, how much time do you give me?"

"a week. no more."

"see you in a week with my four grand." i said and hang up the phone as soon as i finished my sentence. i messaged her my paypal and waited.

soon i heard a 'ding' and immediately checked my bank account.

transfer succesful.
sofia alvaro transferred you:
4,000 usd.
see further information here.

i closed my phone and smiled vigorously. valentino handbags, here i come.

a new story wowow!! i really
hope you all will
like this story, and don't forget to
thank you and enjoy
reading :)

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