Chapter 15

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Important news about the updates of this story. I won't be posting as often as I have because my semester has once again begun and I really have to work hard! I'm gonna try to write, but I can't promise set dates for upcoming chapters. But I don't think I'll be leaving until May (end of the semester), I think I'll be able to post something in between that time.

I do not own Aikatsu Stars!


At the end of the day at the cafe, Ako was on trash duty herself. Carrying the bags to the back door, she grabbed them and tugged them outside to the dumpster.

"Yo," Someone spoke from the area.

Ako screamed, dropping the bags. She spotted Kanata holding his ear, leaning away with an annoyed expression. "What are you doing here?" She screamed.

"Do you have to yell?" Kanata spoke.

Ako heard steps coming from behind her, and turned to see Hime rushing towards her.

"Ako! What's wrong?" Hime asked.

Ako turned back to Kanata to point him out to Hime, but was met with empty space. Her jaw dropped, "I... it was, uh... just a rat. It surprised me," Ako smiled innocently.

Hime laughed, "Alright, Ako. Don't get too scared back there!"

Ako watched her retreat into the cafe again, and turned back to the empty spot. She heard a laugh and spun over to see Kanata leaning against another side of the building.

"Why are you hiding!" Ako shouted.

Kanata tutted, stepping away from the building.

Ako huffed and turned back to the trash, "What do you want? I'm still working here and it's not like your presence is soothing."

"What? Still upset about Subaru?" Kanata retorted.

Ako bristled, then used the energy to lift up a bag and toss it over into the dumpster. She turned and narrowed her eyes in a glare at him, "I'm not."

"Then ask him out."

Ako froze. Ask Subaru out? But wasn't he... didn't he clearly not like her? Why would she ask him out? She was trying to get a hold of herself, and figure out what she wanted.

"You won't know until you try," Kanata added.

Ako stayed silent. Would she agree? And what if he said no? Well, she would be upset. And if he said yes? Then things would go differently... but either way. She needed the clarity so she could move on.

She grabbed the last trash bag and swung it over the dumpster. She watched and heard as it landed with a firm thud on the inside, before turning to Kanata. She brushed her hands off as she spoke, "If he agrees, then you have to take me out to get ice cream."

Kanata raised an eyebrow, silently mulling over it, "Fine. And if he doesn't, then I get to take you out for ice cream."

Ako froze again, her eyes trained on the boy in front of her as her heart clenched oddly, "W-What?"

But he was already walking away.

"See ya, good luck," he called out before turning out of sight.

Ako blinked hard and whispered softly, "What?"


Ako waved back at Hime, "I'm going now."

Hime nodded, "Okay. I'll see you next time."

Ako smiled, "Yes, bye!"

She was leaving from work early that day because she had a big test coming up, so she took shorter shifts at work.

Ako strolled along the sidewalk, enjoying the day. She slowed down as she passed the various shops on the street, eyeing the different fashions and other businesses. Cars passes by on the road, and there was a decent amount of people also walking on the street.

She gazed over the people before looking back to a shop but she quickly looked back when she noticed a familiar face.

Ako gasped and her heartbeat picked up at the sight of Subaru, innocently walking in her direction. She ducked her head and let out a deep breath, straightening up again. Determination seeping into her steps, Ako walked forward until she was in front of him.

"Hello Subaru," Ako smiled.

Subaru paused, "Oh, hi. Ako?"

Ako nodded.

Subaru nodded back, "Cool... " he trailed off.

Ako clenched her fists, "Do you have a moment?"

Subaru glanced over her, "Yea, sure. What's up?"

She had to try, she thought, thinking about the words from Kanata. She sucked in a breath, "Would you like to uh... get lunch with me sometime, maybe?"

Ako didn't dare look at Subaru.

"Ah, well... truth is, Ako, I'm just... not interested. Sorry."

Ako gulped. Her mouth was dry, but she nodded, "It's okay. It's... me, my fault."

Subaru spoke, "No, you... I think you're a good person but... I don't- we-"

"It's okay," Ako repeated, looking up at him finally to take in his slightly flustered face. "I'll get over it. I... I won't stop being your fan."

She didn't let Subaru reply, walking away instead. She got home and went straight to her room, sat down at her desk, and took her books out. She wasn't going to waste time on shedding tears. She'd done that already.

She sighed and picked up her pencil, when her phone buzzed. Ako unlocked it and checked the new message.

Unknown number

Saturday @ 2

Ako blinked at the message. She typed a "who is this" and sent it. A moment later, she got a response.

Unknown number


"What?" Ako gasped out loud. She quickly texted back, asking how he got her number.

i have my ways

Ako deadpanned. He sent another message

dont forget. center plaza in town

Don't forget? Center plaza at town? For what? She scrolled up; and on Saturday? What was happening?

for the bet

Came the next message.

Ako's eyes widened, her face turning red. She almost forgot! And... she had lost! So now he was taking her out for ice cream. Ako buried her face in her hands in distress, when her phone buzzed again.

im guessing u forgot

Ako quickly typed her response; "I did not!" Even though she did.

He sent her a laughing emoji. And then another message.


"and what?" Ako sent back immediately.

and what happened

Ako slumped into her chair, letting the phone slip through her hand a bit. What could she say? She lost. The bet, the boy, the... she sighed. At least it wasn't a face-to-face conversation. Kanata would have definitely figured out the truth if they were in person.

i see

Ako jumped, gripping the phone tightly and replying with "see what? you dont see anything!"

i see that i won the bet. cu sat

Ako face boiled red again. This boy, how could he?! Ako replied with the angry cat emoji and tossed the phone behind her onto her bed. No more distractions; time to get studying.

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