Chapter 8: King of Hyrule

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Ghirahim and Link had finally arrived at the labyrinth, but as Link was about to run through it he felt someone tug at his shirt collar. He turned around to see it was Ghirahim, and the taller being was dragging him behind a wall.

Link stared at him in confusion as he tilted his head to look at whatever was on the other side of the wall behind him. The blond wondered what could be stopping him from going inside.

Finally, the demon turned back to face him.

"Okay, Link," he said. "Whatever you do, don't move. I'll get the orb this time."

Link shook his head in response. "I'm the only one with the Sheikah Slate, at least I think so. You'll need it to open the shrine."

"Then just give it to me."

The blond shook his head again. "I don't know you too well, and this thing seems pretty important. I'm not just going to give it up."

Ghirahim groaned at this. This boy didn't understand did he? Then again, he doesn't remember much of the past 100 years either.

"Alright, but you have to follow me. Otherwise-"

But before the demon could finish, Link had already run up ahead inside. Ghirahim raced to catch up with him, fearing for the hero's life.

Link didn't know why the taller male was so worried. It was just a large maze. The hero continued onward, but soon paused as he saw something move.

It was a giant machine, similar to the ones he saw near the first shrine and that giant temple. But this one was moving, and it was also glowing. Link froze as he stared at the mechanism, and soon all he could hear was a beeping sound. The blond noticed the robot staring directly at him and a red laser pointing in his direction. Panic began to set it as the beeping soon got faster as the laser focused more and more on him. Everything began to move slowly...

"LINK!" the blond heard someone shout.

Before he knew it, Link felt himself being shoved to the ground and an explosion was heard. He looked up to see Ghirahim had pushed him out of the way, a pile of rubble making up the wall that was behind the hero. Link couldn't say anything for Ghirahim had grabbed him by the hand and dragged him behind a wall.

The blond stared at the ground beneath him in terror. He had almost die. If it wasn't for Ghirahim, he would have died.

"How many times must I tell you to stop running off like that!?" Ghirahim shouted at him. "Must you always be so-"

But Ghirahim was interrupted by a sudden force. The demon, temporarily stunned by the pressure against his body, saw the hero hugging him tightly. He saw tears falling from his blue eyes, and he could hear the hero's hiccups as he stuffed his face against the taller male's chest and his body shook. Ghirahim felt guilt in him for shouting at the hero in such a way. Sighing, he hugged him back.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but honestly Link. You have to stop running away like that. These things are the very reason why I don't want you doing that..." he told the blond, rubbing his back in an effort to comfort the sobbing hero.

"I-I'm sorry..." came a hoarse reply.

The demon gasped in surprise. Did he...just speak? Not once in this life did Link ever speak to him. He had only used sign language and never heard his real voice before. Though it was croaky and rough, most likely from lack of use, it still sounded just like the first Link. The heroes did not change much after being reincarnated, did they?

Ghirahim recovered from his state of shock quickly, realizing now was not the time for this. Instead, he pulled the hero closer to him with a small smile.

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