Chapter 1

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                       Harry's POV

  The plastic chairs here are so freaking uncomfortable. After shifting around I couldn't take it anymore and stood up. Fuck this. I began pacing back and forth.

Nurses came and went and still there was no sign of a doctor to tell me if the girl was ok. I checked the clock that hung on the wall only to realize that it was 15 past ten.

  The guys were gonna worry I was only going for a walk. My phone had died and for all I knew the guys had probably tried to contact me any possible way. I could have asked to use a phone here but frankly I liked the feeling of isolation. I needed that. So I kept pacing. Thinking.

  So what would I do if the girl was ok? Leave, I mean it sounded reasonable yet uncaring. I wanted to know if she was okay. I know I didn't know her personally or anything but I really did care.

I was tired and gave up being stubborn and decided to sit down. Stupid uncomfortable chairs. I felt my eyelids slowly close involuntarily and My body went weak.


  "Mr. Styles" I head my name and immediately woke up. I jumped up and everything. The doctor was standing a few feet away and looked at me plainly.

He appeared to be in his mid-forties and looked tired. He wore the usual Doctor type of uniform and carried a clipboard. Something about him seemed caring but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"That would be me" I said "How is she is she ok?" I asked worry probably clear in my voice.

"It's nothing extremely severe but she does have a few broken ribs and a broken arm. She has a minor concussion but she'll be okay as for the cuts and bruises there nothing major, we did give her a few stitches. She'll be sore for a while but we have prescriptions for her to take for the pain." he said smiling sympathetically.

I nodded "Did you find anything about her parents are they here? Are they alive?" I asked.

"We tried checking our records but we couldn't find any on her we don't have anyone to check on her. What we do know is that she looks to be of age, we'll keep checking and looking for her parents." He explained

"Ok" I said I was at loss of words I wasn't really sure what to say. 

"As of right now we have no one to take her in while she alleviates-"

"I'll happily take her in it's no problem, really" I answered. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I wasn't going to take it back.

He gave me an unsure look as if questioning himself if that was a good idea.

"I'll have to check to see if your records are alright first, but since you were the one who brought her we'll take it under our consideration." he replied giving a smile.

"Thank You so much Doctor, I have another question."

"Ask it, Mr.Styles."

"Can I see her?" I asked nervously.

"Yes you can, as a matter of fact she should be awake in a few moments." he said giving me a soft smile.

He led me down a few doors and we made two rights then a left. We then made it to a door that looked exactly like all the other doors we had passed.

"Thank you again" I said. He nodded again and walked away his clipboard in hand.

I was slightly nervous at what I would see but I was ready. I pushed the door open carefully as to make much of a disturbance.

The room was like any other hospital room.  Cramped and small and a bit cold a chair and a recliner. There was T.V directly in front of the patient that was turned off. A bathroom door was on the side and the monitors attached to the girl beeped.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Annoying much.

  Once again I slowly walked forward towards the girl, not as scared this time.

  She was in a hospital gown and looked so fragile while she slept. Her arm was in a cast and she had bruises and stitches here and there. I took her small delicate hand in mine. Her hands were still freezing cold.

They had washed her. Her hair was light brown and wavy, and a few freckles were scattered on her cheeks. Her eyelashes were long and caressed her cheeks as she slept. Her nose was small and cute looking and it was hard to look away.

To say she was skinny was an understatement you could see the bones that were just beneath the small layer of skin. She looked so vulnerable, so helpless. It brought me to tears to see her like this.

But I was going to help her get better.

  I felt a slight movement in my hand and my eyes shot open. She was waking up. She stirred a little and her breathing was no longer slow. A few seconds passed and her eyes slowly opened.

Her eyes were hazel.


Hello, there loves I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry I haven't updated sooner. Well I hope this was good and please keep reading and comment. I wanna hear what you guys think. Lemme hear your feedback. Share this story and tell your friends and if anyone wants to make a cover for me message me. If you want a dedication on the next chapter comment. Love you guys.

-M :D

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