Chapter 3

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                        Harry's POV

"Harry, mate where in the world are you?" Louis' voice sounds through the phone clearly showing he's not happy.


"Harry you leave the house for a walk and you don't show up home, if you cant tell we're over here losing our heads because of you, and to top it all off ya don't even bother to call, to let us know where your at " he says taking a deep breath after ranting.

"Lou I'm on my way home, I'll explain once I get there,ok?"

"Fine but you have a lot of explaining to do."

"Ok, ok I will" I say hanging up before he can keep lecturing me through the phone.

I turn to look at Chelsea, who sits in the passenger seat with an amused look.

"So who was this Lou" she asks clearly showing she's curious."

"He's one of my band mates and one of my closest friends." I tell her as I start the car.

"He sounds like he really cares for you." she answers smiling.

"He does" I say in return.

A few minutes of silence go by and I can almost feel her thinking. And then finally she says what I had thought to but hadn't put much thinking into.

"What are they going to think, Harry?" she asks sounding worried.

I don't have to ask her what she's talking about, I already know.

"They'll understand Chelsea, I'm just not sure how to let them know."

"Leave that to me, I can manage"

  The house isn't far from the hospital so the drive wasn't long. Before I knew it I was helping Chelsea out the car and onto the front steps.

I turned the door knob and walked into the living room where you could here the rest of the guys probably watching T.V or playing video games.

"I'm home" I say and four heads turn to look at me with dare I say disapproving faces. And then they see Chelsea.

"Harry, how are ya mate who's your lady friend" says Niall and smiles at Chelsea.

"Harry you didn't tell us we were having visitors" Zayn comments.

"And you could have bothered to call us you arse" adds Louis with a frown.

"You guys we have visitors" adds Liam.

"Guys This is Chelsea"I say interrupting them.

"Hey everyone"she says smiling and everyone replies with their greetings.

"She talks" Niall says jokingly.

Again she smiles " Yeah I think I do and you are?" She asks.

"Niall" he answers confused.

"Niall she's not a fan" I answer his question.

His face shows an "Ohhh" face.

"Guys there's something else...Chelsea" I say hinting hoping she can manage.

"Ok umm Well as you already know I'm Chelsea and I'm blind." she says stuttering the slightest.

" Oh" they all say together.

"We're really sorry hun" answers Liam and everyone joins in with their 'sorries'.

"Guys she doesn't want your pity" I tell them.

"Sorry" they all answer together and I mentally face palm. I look over only to see that Chelsea looks amused and on the edge of laughing.

"It's alright, I'm also sorry I took your band mate all today and yesterday...he saved my life." she says turning my way the slightest bit while she says it.

"Care to elaborate" Zayn says.

"Yeah we have plenty of time" I tell them and we sit down to tell them.

It's hard to believe how things can change in such little time.


Ello Loves here's Chapter 3 hope its good. I'm trying to get more reads so if you guys could help me with that. Feel free to message me on here or comment bellow for any feedback. Don't forget to vote. Thank you.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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