Chapter 45 - Vennela's first love

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Rasgulla - A syrupy spherical sweet, very popular in India.


"Vadina, there's a surprise for you. Get ready" said Anirudh.

"Are we going somewhere?" asked Vennela.

"No. Someone's coming to visit you" said Anirudh. 


"We won't tell you. Wait till they arrive. Get ready by 10 am." Amar didn't let the details out. She left hurriedly to get ready. It has been a week since the food stall incident. She has been practicing walking without crutches since then. There was a lot of improvement. Everything was back to normal again.

"It is very nice of them to come and visit her" said Amar. Vennela's grandparents told him that a few of her classmates are living in Vishakhapatnam. They gave their numbers to Amar. He invited them for lunch at his place.

Amar and Anirudh were supervising the cooking. "I'm ready." Vennela was wearing a green saree. 

"You look beautiful" said Amar. 

"Thank you. Now tell me who is coming?"

"Vennela! Is that you? My God! You look gorgeous" said someone.

Vennela turned around. "Lalitha?" She was surprised to see her childhood friend. "Is that you?" She hugged her.

"Your grandfather called me yesterday. He asked me not to tell you that I am coming. How are you? I heard you met with an accident." Lalitha talked excitedly.

"I'm better now. Meet my husband Amar. And this is my brother-in-law Anirudh." Vennela introduced.

"I know them. They are the ones who helped me and Usha with locating the house" said Lalitha.

"Usha is coming too?" asked Vennela, her eyes twinkling. Usha was her bench-mate till 7th standard. Lalitha was her classmate till 12th standard. She hasn't met them in years.

"Oops! I'm not supposed to reveal that" said Lalitha. Vennela waited for Usha near the entrance.

A few minutes later, Usha arrived. She hugged Vennela. "I don't believe this." She looked at Vennela as if scanning her. "Is this the same lazy girl who hated makeup? You look good."

"You look nice too. Come. Let's get inside." Vennela invited them.

"Wait. There's one more person arriving" said Amar.

"Who?" asked Vennela. At that instant, she saw a car stop a few feet away. The person opened the door and Vennela felt a cool breeze fan her face. She held her breath and waited. Her classmate got down, whom Vennela recognized instantly. She bent her head and smiled. The girls giggled while Amar looked at Anirudh confused. 

The man stood in front of Vennela. "Hello Rasgulla." He greeted her.

"Who is Rasgulla?" asked Amar. 

Vennela didn't seem to listen. "Hello Sameer." She replied.

"So many years have passed. You still look the same to me." Sameer smiled at her.

"I don't think so. I am sure she must have been shorter back then" said Amar. "Now tell me. Who is Rasgulla?" 

"Are you married?" Vennela asked Sameer.

"Rasgulla, we meet after so many years. And the first thing you ask me is whether I am married." Sameer smiled. "Planning on renewal of the proposal?"

"What proposal?" asked Amar. "By the way, her name is Vennela. Not Rasgulla."

Sameer seemed to notice Amar for the first time. "She will always be Rasgulla to me. Entire school knows that Rasgullas are her first love. And she liked my mother's Rasgulla dessert so much that she asked me to marry her." Amar's eyes widened with shock while the others laughed. "You are the one who told me the location yesterday. Aren't you? Let me introduce myself. I am Sameer." Sameer shook hands with Amar.

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