Chapter 22: The Reunion With A Twist

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"Well then this reunion should be a blast." The red head says as she then waves off the bright brown head to go get ready.

"Oh little helpless Hope I hope your ready for a small twist into your happiness." She says towards the cabin as she starts laughing a bit while slowly backing away following the girl with bright brown hair.


-Hope's pov.-

I stare in the mirror and sigh deeply after looking at my pale features still visible with all of the makeup I put on my face. While I also look down to my loose but still a little tight mint green dress flowing softly down to my knees while I'm wearing a pair of white flats to go perfectly along with the dress.

Slowly I start to back away from the mirror heading out of the room. After getting out of the room I look over to my husband combing his brown hair softly in a mirror. He turns around after hearing the door I just walked out of slam shut and he sort of looks at me in a bit of awe.

"What?" I ask him confusion rising to my face as he slowly starts to walk over to me. After getting to about a foot in front of me he looks directly in my forest green eyes.

"Could you help me out with this?" He asks me genuinely while pointing towards his red tie.

Smiling slightly I walk over to him and help him out with his tie that was still dangling loose around his neck while its draping down softly on his shoulders. As I was helping him tie his tie I can feel his eyes still gazing at me in a bit of awe.

"What?" I end up blurting out to him my thoughts getting the better of me. He smiles softly and pulls my hands softly away from his tie while he starts to look down into my forest green eyes.

"Elli I didn't even fin-" I try to explain back to him while he cuts me off by kissing my lips. After he pulls apart from me I look up to him confusion rising to my face almost immediately.

"Why did you do that?" I ask with the confusion that was in my face suddenly adds into my voice. He smiles slightly at me while looking again into my forest green eyes.

"What I can't kiss my own wife now?" He asks me sarcasm directly in his voice. I glare at him slightly knowing that he's completely joking around with me.

He looks away laughing a bit before looking directly at me again. Confused still I look into his brown eyes kind of tilting my head to the side.

"I just want you to know that I love you so much right now.." He tells me a bit slowly as I can start to feel butterflies filing my stomach.

Smiling I grab a hold of him and hug him gently. Hearing the sound of footprints coming up the stairs I quickly let go of my husband and back away slowly as I can start to see the faces of the other 4 wolves living in this house. I look over to the genuinely seeing them all dressed up in the same fashion as me and Elli.

"You guys ready to go?" My brother asks me and Elli as I look over to Elli quickly noticing him tighten up the tie I was just teeing a few seconds ago. Elli then looks back over to Colton and nods his head.

We all start to walk out the cabin into the sunset dusk cool night. I could feel the air blow a bit of my light brown hair out of my face. Smiling i grab a hold of my husband's hand gently. Confused he looks over to me and smiles gently when noticing my vibrant forest green eyes staring up to him in pure happiness.

Phasing Though the Night (Complete) (In the editing process)Where stories live. Discover now