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I woke up, to see Eddie waking up at the same time. G-good morning" I said, blushing. I went to change into some clothes in my bag

 I went to change into some clothes in my bag

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We got ready and headed over to the barrens. We arrived and we were met by the rest of the losers. And.....another girl.... "Hey guys, this is Macy, she joined the loser club." Stan said. She was really pretty she waved to Eddie he waved back, with a blush on his face.

We decided to go to the quarry to swim, and I was underwater, to see Eddie and Macy having a water fight. She pulled him into a kiss and I was furious. I swam down and layed on the bottom of the quarry. I just looked up and I layed their for a minute. I thought to myself, what If he breaks up with me to get to her? I swam up a little, to see them playing I pulled Stan under, and he relaxed when he saw me. I signed to him what was goi g on and he understood (pretend the knew sign language) We went back up and we all got out of the water.

When I got out, I started to walk to my bi,e "wait, Y/N where are you going?" Eddie asked "Stan, please explain to the, why I am leaving." I said and rode away, completely upset. I got to my house, that was cleaned up, and I ran to my room, collapsed on the bed crying.

Stan's POV

"That is why she is upset." I said to everyone. Eddie left without saying anything.


I heard my door open, and arms wrap around my waist. I got up, with my back turned to him, that cheater. "Let me explain." 

He explained and apologized to me. We kissed and made up.

We went to his house and I changed into one of his shirts and he wrapped his arms around me. Just like that, we both fell asleep.

Omg this was sort of a short chapter....
Last emojis
Tells something g about my personality

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