Chapter 1:3 I Can't Sleep

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The midnight oil burns as Katsu draws up a document for a meeting a few days away. This is perhaps one of the best ways for his mind to distract itself from yet another dream of her. Filthy dreams... things he did not see himself actually doing and yet the images seep into his dreams. When he woke, his muscles were tense, he body damp with sweat, and shameful arousal that reminded him of the shame causing a rise in his sheets. Gods... what has he become thanks to that woman...? Until now, he had a good hold on any meaningless thoughts that may sidetrack him. Now, with that woman, the way she gets under his skin, he has all sorts of strange fantasies he has yet to make sense of. Dipping his brush again in the ink, he draws, choosing to focus on these words he writes while doing his best not to go into a daze from the desire fighting to win its battle over his willpower.

"Your Highness, Lady Kihara would like to have a word...?" The guard's voice outside with those words causes Katsu's brush to stop on the paper. He stops breathing for a moment... 'Oh not now', he thinks... 'Mei now is not the time to step into the den of a hungry tiger', he thinks... However, Katsu is not a man that would deny her entry, at least not without good reason. And why so late at night anyway? He began to think maybe something has happened to upset her...? "Send her in. You are relieved of your post for now." "Yes, sir" responds the officer before letting Mei inside.  Mei walks in after thanking the soldier at the door. The door closing behind her, she was mentally in a daze why she came here tonight. After she had done something so shameful only a few hours ago, she brings herself here. Mei convinced herself she had to see him for some reason, though she has trouble sorting out the why in her head.

"Mei...? What can I do for you...?" Katsu speaks up, surrounded by darkness with nothing but the small light at the desk he sits at. He isn't looking at her... it's like De Ja Vu from the night of the staged dinner again. Mei just blows it off this time as being how he gets when he's busy. Taking careful steps toward his direction, she hesitates at first to speak. "I... could not sleep... I am not comfortable in my room right now..."Katsu lifts his brush and turns his head to look at Mei who seemed uneasy. What's more, however, she was clutching her robe closed and her face is mildly flushed... she isn't even looking directly at him. This troubles him, causing Katsu to set down his brush and stop his progress before he steps towards Mei. What concerns him more is that even as he does this, she still does not look at him. What is wrong with her? His brows knitted with more concern passing over his face.

His hand rose to take her chin and gently turn her view towards him. Bashfully, Mei looks up towards his eyes. She regrets this immediately as the effect they have on her is quickly remembered through her body. She shivers, which catches his attention as his eyes pass down her body. Is she cold? Katsu looks behind him, then back at her after a thought. "Come..." Lining himself with her, his hand places at her back. The moment he does this, it is like some electric trigger that shoots through her spine with his touch as the epicenter. He feels this through her back, her muscles tensed before she walks quickly ahead of him. The wheels in his head began to turn. This is so unlike her... Walking ahead of her, he looks toward the guqin, then smiles lightly. "I will play for you then... lay down and try to get some rest..."

As he walks toward the stringed instrument, Mei looks towards the bed, thinking that is a good idea. However, another voice in her head forces her away from that idea and instead she follows him. Kneeling down behind him, her slender fingers gently placed on his shoulders and slid forward a bit, weaving a bit between his long white locks. This startles Katsu at first, his head immediately turning a bit to catch sight of her hand. His hair... it was rather soft... and her body is so receptive right now that even that feels tantalizing to her. "May I... play with you a bit...?" 'Play with you...' are the words that strangely stuck in his mind for some odd reason. Katsu calms his thoughts with a slow exhale, closing his eyes for but a moment before opening them. Moving aside for her to sit next to him. This reminds him of that night she was intoxicated.. the night she tried to make his ears bleed. Nggh... perish the thought. 

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