Chapter I: Only in My Dreams

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Katsu woke with a start, realizing that the glorious image of her naked flesh wasn't really there. His scarred, muscular chest rose and fell rapidly as the lustful fire within him began to fade. He sat there in his bed with his hands gripping the sides of his head. His eyes were distant as what was left of the memory slowly fades away like all dreams do. "Mei..." Katsu barely whispered her name as the feeling continued to linger. Didn't help that the image got a different type of 'rise' out of him altogether. 

The sounds within his dream were so vivid, too. The sound of her moans in his ear, the pleasure, her nails raking against his skin. Gods, he could take it no more! Throwing his legs over the side of his bed, he stands. The muscles all throughout Katsu's body ripple as he stretches as now would be a good time for a cold bath... a freezing one. His hair swaying down his nude frame, he prepares now for another tiring day. Though, in the back of his mind, he is hoping he'll see her again...


Mei had been carrying this heavy chest for a long distance now to the other side of the palace. Every now and then she let it drop to the floor, huffing and blowing a lock of raven hair from her face. With a vein popping from the corner of her forehead in frustration, she looks out the corner of her eye at Ryusaki. He acts as though this is completely normal but she can tell he finds this totally amusing! "Uhm... you don't want to HELP at all...?" With an innocent smile, his eyes smiling too, he acts as though he doesn't understand.

"Oh no I'm fine, you got this." An obvious smart alec remark... For not so obvious reasons, Ryusaki has a reason for everything. Perhaps some sort of weight training that's also entertaining for him at her expense. When they arrive at the dojo, the chest was placed in the back with a large *THUMP* before Mei collapses onto her rear. "HUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! I never want to do that again." Ryusaki crossed his muscular arms over his well-built chest with a smirk on his face he'd become notorious for in her eyes. "If this exhausts you, then you're going to have a hard time with the more vigorous... training..."

The way he said that was so darn suggestive as his tone changed. As expressive as Mei is, she couldn't help it but... her face flushed from what his darkening honey eyes are suggesting. Ryusaki so easily confuses her... He goes from innocently playful, to sensually torturing in no time flat. His tone intentionally suggested bedroom training. Mei scowled at him but no sooner than she did, his expression switched to cheerful again. This girl is going to mentally get whiplash. "Anyway one more thing to do, noodle arms~!" His finger was dangling a mildly weighted sack that needed to be placed in a corner of the room which his opposite hand's thump points to over his shoulder.

That frustrated look appears on her face again as once more a vein pops at the corner of her forehead. "You know you could just do it..." But even as she suggested this, he dangled the sack in front of her face with a smile. Obviously, he's not budging on this. Yanking the sack from hand, she stands before stomping over to where he directed her to store it. The place she has to store it though is above her head. Looking about, she finds a thick wooden box that is just enough to get her to that height. Or... almost. She does have to tip-toe a bit to reach up and shove it up there. Mei hears footsteps behind her which is most likely Ryusaki coming closer to watch her.

Ryusaki's eyes creep from her calves all the way up to the beautiful shape of her rear end. Her well-defined muscles and shape are... profound. Mei's eyes shoot wide open as she hears a wolf whistle come from Ryusaki. Slowly turning her head to look behind her with a brow raised, she sees him with his head slightly tilted, shamelessly still looking, his arms crossed, one hand raised as his thumb and forefinger stroke his chin. "Well, you're training is working wonders, that's for sure..." His eyes shoot up to hers, but as she looks back at him, her face flushes red. In one motion she stops attempting to store the sack, holds it above Ryusaki's head, and lets it drop, dropping him in the process.

"Oof!!" His head drops down before the rest of his body but he recovers quickly. Chuckling to himself, landing on his rear, his hand lifts to rub the back of his head. "You're so cruel to me, wifey! I know you do it out of love th--" Ryusaki's words stop as he turns his head to look at her walking away. However, the reason for his words' sudden halt was obvious. Before Mei as her steps came to a stop was none other than Asukai Katsu. His form leans against one of the dojo's wooden pillars, his arms crossed. On Katsu's face was a subtle smile, electric emerald staring into her crystalline blue. He is wearing their uniform so he obviously came here for a reason. Mei's face was a softer shade of pink this time, the lovely shade of a sakura flower. 

Ryusaki's face turns serious before he stands himself before he looks once more in Katsu's direction. "Oh...? What brings you here, Katsu?" As though that's not obvious already... Katsu never once looks away from Mei's eyes as he responds to his question. "Mei has training today... I've come to offer her my assistance..." Mei's eyes slightly widen from hearing this. Well, this wasn't planned but most definitely welcomed. "Besides, General Shibisaki is looking for you, so I will take it from here." Ryusaki hides his displeasure as he always does. Whether Katsu is telling the truth or not wasn't as much bothering him as the obvious setup here. All the same, Ryusaki walks up to her side and lightly thumps the side of her arms with the back of his hand.

"See you when you get back." Though he gives her a subtle smirk, as he walks away, he gives Katsu the side eye with a straight face before leaving the dojo. Katsu's eyes finally left Mei's as he and Ryusaki returned the same challenging look to each other before Ryusaki left. As they are finally alone, Katsu unfolds his arms and walks into Mei's direction. Mei was rendered speechless as she had not prepared mentally or emotionally for this. Still, as she usually does, she stands strong and tries not to let it show. "So, what are we starting on today, Katsu? I should warn you though I don't think I'm nearly good enough yet to keep up with you".

As Mei says this, her hand rubs the back of her head as she looks off to the side a bit. Just then, Mei feels his finger gently graze along her jawline before lifting her gaze toward him. "This is fine, we will just have to take it slow..." He spoke softly in such a way that felt like silk if it could be spun verbally. As he did this, she was initially a bit startled as her body jumped a little. Katsu held her in place further, his hand boldly coming around her back, his digits splayed along the small of her back. Now, Mei's face felt so much hotter than before. What... was he... Katsu's eyes seemed to slightly smile as his lips were. It almost feels like she's in for something else entirely. Once more his honeyed words tickle her ears "...Shall we begin...?"

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