when i first saw u [chapter 1]

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        it was the end of the school i am about to leave finally...but then i heard a piano.it caught my attention it sounded so beautiful the cords played so smoothly i looked around to see which room the beautiful sound came from,i saw the 'piano room' i took one foot inside the room and saw a girl playing on the piano closing her eyes while playing i took one more foot in the room,i looked at her as she played the piano she looks so beautiful,what grade is she?,is she in the same class at me?,how come i've never seen her before,is she new?" thoughts came to me i asked so much questions to my self,i saw a chair that was nearest to the exit as i was about to sit my phone rings 'ring ring' the girl stopped playing i ran outside the room to answer it, "yoongi im outside ur school come on we need to go somewhere" it was my mom,after the call ended i went back to see the girl again for the last time or saw it thought.



        it was now just a normal day at school everyone talking loudly throwing paper balls everywhere and just making the classroom a mess,im here sitting on my chair just watching as my classmates trash the place,the teacher finally comes in and all my classmates then bahaves and sits back to their chairs, "good morning teacher" we all bowed "good morning class take ur seat,get ur history book and notebook and turn ur history book on page 56" we all obeyed although in our heads we all wanted to die.its now break and i went to the cafeteria by myself i dont really have friends so i eat by myself.i finish early and decided to walk around the school i usually go to music area,i love making music i also rap i can say im quite good at it,but what i love the most is playing the piano when i was 7 i learned how to play the piano my grandpa used to always teach me the hardest songs but i end up learning it all he was a amazing grandpa who was always there for me but it all changed when he passed away i stopped playing on the piano after his death but then played again after 1 year i dont know why but the piano just attracts me i always cry when i played his favourite song on the piano just thinking about him makes me feel down.i played on the piano just for awhile i was about to play my grandpas favourite when the bell rang 'ringg' i rushed back to my classroom and continued on with my day.

after school i walk back home by myself my parents got into a huge fight and they are always busy i didn't want them to be angry and i just walk back home they never cared if i walked back home alone as long as i do come back home they will care,i went up my room and as expected no one is at home we are not rich so we have a 2 story house we have no maids  because my parents are saving there money for something else,i then closed the door behind me and did my studies.i heard a knock on the main door,i quickly jumped out my bed and went downstairs to open the door,it was my parents they brought big bags with them and looks like wrapped up present. "eomma appa what is inside the bag? who is it for?" i asked while closing the door and them laying on the couch "come here yoongi these are for ur cousins from my side"my dad said while getting something from his bag...wait isnt appa's relatives in seol i asked myself my dad gets out a passport that says my name "we are going to seol!" my mom said excitedly wow im going to seol? "so im moving schools to seol?" i asked "ne!" my mom said "now go fix ur things" my dad said my mom hugging my dad well i guess there not fighting anymore i went up to my room and fixed my stuff, i went down once again and asked my parents "when are we leaving?"  "4 days from now"my dad said "oh ok"

        its now been 4 days and we are at the airport,we soon got into the plane i've never rode on a plane before so this is all new to me the planes starts to move.
well this is it a new beginning of my life i hope i can get friends there who also likes music.

they are now flying to seol

hey everyone lorry here i jhope u like it um i might post is every sunday if i can remember hehe 😜 but if i forget just comment and sorry its my exams this week and i might now do it hehee k love yall💖💖

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