by George Glass
Summary: A new type of human male is emerging—one driven by instinct to achieve dominance over the females in their lives. These guidelines are for women whose young sons may be of this type, to prepare them for the radical changes ahead.
WARNING: On the off chance that you somehow missed the myriad of warning tags on the previous page, please take heed of the following warning: The story below is fantasy—sick, misogynistic, incestuous, rapey, sex-at-all-ages fantasy. And if even one word of the previous sentence alarms you (including the word "the"), please smack the Back button like it just said something about your mama. Or, if you and your mama don't get along, pick your favorite family member, friend, sports team, or sci-fi/fantasy film franchise. Because this story is messed UP, yo. And it's not even exactly a story—it's a set of guidelines, I can't even say it while we're still above the triple asterisks.
Whoa, are you still here? Well, in that case, read on, 'cause you are gonna frickin' love this.
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In recent decades, there has been increasing awareness of a subtype of the human male that is distinctly different from the norm. The numbers of these males, referred to as "dominant males," appear to be growing. Some scientists attribute this phenomenon to environmental contamination by manmade chemicals, while others hold that it is simply a result of the natural selection process that has guided human evolution for millions of years.
Whatever the reason, the fact remains that an increasing number of women are becoming pregnant with boys who will eventually emerge as dominant males. What follows is a guide for women who believe that they may be in this situation. The advice below is based on the best information currently available and is provided to help you prepare for your future should you give birth to a dominant son. We describe not only the behaviors you must engage in, but also the attitudes and expectations you must adopt to ensure your safety and to minimize the trauma associated with various aspects of the dominant-son/mother relationship.
—The majority of dominant boys are born to unmarried women who have been impregnated by a dominant male. Not only are dominant males extremely fertile, but there is evidence to suggest that they are capable of sensing, consciously or unconsciously, when a woman is likely to conceive. Thus, even one-time liaisons with a dominant male (typically lasting several hours, during which the male will ejaculate inside the female multiple times) commonly result in pregnancy.
—Sexual experience with a dominant male—even if nonconsensual—invariably causes a woman to lose all interest in normal males. This phenomenon is termed "dominance imprinting" because of the permanent "mark" left on the affected female. For this reason, children fathered by dominant men are most commonly raised by the mother alone, or by the mother and a female relative.
—Although no clear statistics are available, it appears that the majority of—perhaps even most— boys fathered by dominant men become dominant themselves. Thus, if your unborn child is male, you would be wise to accept the strong possibility that, in a few years, your life will change radically. More specifically, you should begin to prepare yourself for a life of obedience and sexual servitude to your dominant son.
—Such boys usually come into their dominance between the ages of six and eight. At this stage, they are generally big for their age, and abnormally strong. Their genitals will already be unusually large—by the age of six, the size of a typical dominant boy's penis and testicles already equals that of an average adult man's—but now their growth will accelerate. Although your son will not undergo all the changes of puberty at this time, he will become fertile and able to ejaculate, and he will develop the powerful sex drive that will shape the rest of his life, as well as yours.