Candy Wax Kink {Dobby x Harry Potter's Sock}

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Before I start the story, thank you for all of the support, 41 reads! I never expected that! So this one is special.
Without further ado, let's begin.

t bagen fer yers aog dobby wes gatn rad fer t rowal bald eh wes os hopy becas eh wes a freeeeeee elf ad t wus al beucs tat hrary pootr ad hoos sook dobby wod eb weeerng t sak t te rowul bald. dobby swells t suok evr nit bfre bed beucs he evols at suuuu mach wen dobby finulay arivles t te bald nobaldy wuld tuelk te ham ad ha wus suuuu depression tat he ded. tat wus ental ha remanberd suuk dobby gay ap ad sad """iaum suuuu sowrye suok i fogorte u""""" suok qakly frogav doppy ad sad """i loerouva u nw fak meh u gay lesbian"""" wafter tey ad hrd saxxxyness tey wen huom nd hud moer saxxxy suuxxx nd hood bloudy dihedral ale ovar ech oter.

The End

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