threesome (dobby x freddy bear x steve)

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hi! i know i've been inactive but i just noticed this book has reached 522 views! for that i've decided to make something a bit more special, i hope you enjoy. now, on with the story!

all pov +santa

it ol stwart in rablx wen on direkt broced op wit mOmmy awe yis............................... try wer olli plain cincy coos n woopers wen sont welcd on in n cocked tim olllllllllllllllllll n smoks tem oss n saids """""""""""""""«««»„""" chu naty bois hughsghsgsh"»„„„„„„«""«"» sont telpolcted owo dopy boi locd pot fwaddi n swortd rabing his looooooooomg noose stabvb camo tah flapping paper n grappled has bog rablx oSs flapping paper manned dop cam iver n stocked hos noose in flapping papers duck bussy. flapping paper folpde omew n socked stwampes bog block cocc n sad „"«"»„""» awe yis yis yis yis big blocc 🅱️api ""«„»"«""„„«"» stwampe 🅱️api camed donw flopping papers es0phAgUs ot wes blokey n orgenge flapping paper swamped ot dwock has truaghtt dope boyo wes jello sa ha swartsde gwanghwamun fagster n toll ha ded off egsosig sa den tae ollllll wented dee becus deh wer is flotened on sonts bod becus ha did dad toa an den de bwuaildin fell dwown wit dem aoaollll on it sa teh claoud burned and missis cloudses mad angrie cwakies n tey oll dad a gud marrie n smocked jesus in tehehehehehe osshall sa ha wen a gud ded ha cummed bock life n tey had 69 kidlin n marrieds they kid loke a cadlak n ten tey oll dad guuuud fuccc n ded from std(succ teh duck)

i hope you enjoyed! comment characters you ship with dobby and i'll make more! suggestions are open!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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