f e l l 4 y o u

530 17 11

This is soo late I'm so sorry 😂🤧 Forgive me, children

It was a warm and crisp Sunday afternoon. A short boy, Eddie Kaspbrak, sat by his bedroom window, gazing out of the glass. Unfortunately, Eddie hates Sundays.

Eddie always finishes his homework on Friday nights once he gets home. However, his mother forbids him go out past 6pm, anyway, so he's always trying to find ways to entertain himself.

Usually at this time, his best friend, Bill, would sneak through the window, but he had speech therapy until 7. And Eddie was bored out of his mind.

The boy continues to sit at his window, staring out from his second floor view, tapping his nails against the windowsill, and watching the squirrels scurry around.

Then, he sees him. The cute, curly headed, lanky neighbor from down the street who skates down the sidewalk right past his house. And then, back past his house?

He starts doing tricks on the concrete, right in front of Eddie's house. Nothing fancy, just jumping up and landing 50% of the time. After his third jump, he looks up at Eddie's window, catching him staring. Then, he winks.

Eddie starts to freak out.

'Shit, shit, shit!' he thinks to himself, sharply turning his head away, his cheeks turning a significant shade of cherry red. Eddie couldn't believe he was caught staring at this boy.

This makes the neighbor get cocky. He bites his lip and begins to do skateboard tricks that are way out of his skill range. The curly headed boy kicks his heel outward, in attempt to do a heel flip, but the board slips out from under his feet causing him to fall flat on his back.

"ah, fuck!" the neighbor shouts as he coughs from having the breath knocked out of him.

this caught eddie's attention. he mumbles a few curses under his breath and runs downstairs, past his sleeping mother, and out of the door.

"hey, are you okay?" eddie asks as he rushes over to the boy.

"yeah, just a few scratches," his neighbor chuckles as he holds up his hands, which are a little bloody from being scraped off the pavement.

"here, let me help you." eddie rushes to unzip his fanny pack to get bandaids and alcohol pads.

"you really came prepared, didn't you?" the neighbor asked with a laugh, getting a serious nod from eddie. the boy watched eddie with admiration as he 'fixed him up'. "i guess you could say i fell for you."

eddie giggled awkwardly, not knowing how to take that.

before eddie could stand up, the boy stopped him.

"hey, my names richie. thanks for, ya know, helping me."

"oh," eddie blushed as he stared at the weeds growing through the sidewalk cracks. "i'm eddie."

richie smiled, reaching forward and tucking a piece of hair behind eddie's ear. "a pretty name for a pretty boy."

this made eddie turn an even darker shade of pink, if that was even possible. "i-, uh," he mumbled as he tried to hide his smile.

"maybe we could, i don't know, hangout sometime?" richie asked with a not-so-charming, braces covered grin.

eddie was a stuttering mess, trying to get the courage to actually make words. he finally just looked up at richie and nodded vigorously.

"alrighty. tomorrow, the park, after school?" richie told eddie, which sounded more like a statement than a question.

eddie nodded again, this time with a small smile.

the two boys said their goodbyes, and eddie ran back up to his room. he let out a little squeal as he plopped himself on his bed.

bill definitely had a lot of listening to do that night.


hiii this is probably trash because i haven't wrote anything in foreverrrrr. i got surgery a few days ago and i've been bored out of my mind.

this fic was half of an idea that was already written like in 2018 and i found it and i was like hey lemme finish this. it would've been so much better if i remembered how it was supposed to end 😂 also this is in two different writing styles and i'll fix it later but i'm too lazy to do so rn so sorryyy

anywhooo i hope you enjoyed this!! lemme know if you have any other ideas for books or oneshots in the comments because i am out of them lmao

word count: 739
- brooke 🍯🌆

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