24. G: Snow day

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It's been my third snow day off from school and I have not once been out in the snow yet.
I decide to get my lazy ass up and bundle up for the snow. Once I have my layers on I step out side.
There is so much snow but it's not very good at sticking together.

I decide to make a couple of snow angels and just lay in the snow and try to "relax"
I end up laying on my side with my face towards the sun.

I open my eyes and see a shadow, my heart starts to beat really fast. I roll over and see my hot ass neighbor Grayson. I look up at him squinting my eyes because of how bright it was outside. He starts to say something, but I can't hear because I have earphones in. I take them out and say sorry as he proceeds on talking.

"Hey, I didn't know if you were okay." He laughs "I just saw you laying out here and decided to come check on you."

I mentally face palm myself and laugh with him.
"I appreciate it." I say while giggling
"Do you mind if I join you?" He asks gesturing his arms out to the untouched snow right beside me.
"Oh sure!" I say a little surprised.
I lay back down into the snow as he lays down beside me.

I start to relax again both of us just looking up at the clear blue sky not sayin anything. I jump startled as I feel something cold and wet hit my face. I sit up and look over to find Grayson laughing with snow covering his hands. I pick up some snow and fling it at him to get him back. "Okay okay, truce." He says
"Oh so you don't think it's funny now do you??" I say. We both chuckle.

"How about you come over and I make us some hot chocolate?" He asks.
"I'd love that." I say while smiling at him.
I should have came out in the snow a long time ago, I think to myself.

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