1.Watching food network
2. Cooking together
3. Him waking u up early
4. Stealing his hoodies/shirts
5. Going on adventures
6. Hiking
7. Laughing all of the time
8. Tickles
9. Kisses
10. Him borrowing chap stick
11. Him always making sure you're alright
12. Deep talks
13. Watching the sunset
14. Midnight drives
15. Picnics
16. Going to the beach
17. Pushing u to try new things
18. Always being a gentleman
19. Sex all the time
20. Choking
21. Him being a sugar daddy
22. Always having a soft spot for you
23. Binge watching Netflix
24. Writing cute notes to each other
25. Holding hands
26. Playing with your boobs
27. Grinding
28. Random dance battles
29. Remaking vines
30. Reminding you that you're beautiful
31. Lots of blushing
32. Playing piano for you
33. Listening to tame impala and 1975
34. Watching him workout
35. Playing with each others hair
36. Foot rubs/back rubs
37. He's protective over you
38. Having a pet parrot
39. Always coming to see you at work
40. Sending each other memes
41. Nudes
42. Dirty talk
43. Singing along to songs together
44. Encouraging each other
45. Teasing him
46. Cuddles
47. Forehead kisses
48. Letting u do his makeup
49. Making u breakfast shakes
50. Going to the lake