Chapter Thirteen

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edit: 8.23.20
; mention of abuse & mention of sexual assault. STAY SAFE. I LOVE YOU 
1,423 words

awsten p.o.v.

i woke up around eight am on saturday morning. last night i set out the perfect outfit: a black skirt and a pink, wool jumper. i started to wear skirts when he was first out of the picture. i had on black, translucent knee-highs to bottom it all off.

i ran downstairs and slid into the kitchen. geoff turned from the stove. he smiled wide when he saw me. he caught me as i slid to him. we kissed before he turned back to the stove, keeping an arm around my waist.

"what's this?" i asked, looking around at the ingredients and dishes. i widened my eyes at a little container of gummy bears.

"gummy bear pancakes." geoff replied. he casually pushed my hand away from the gummy bears. "thought we should get some sugar in your already seemingly hyper body."

he kissed my cheek and i giggled. i happily buried my face into his bicep.

geoff chuckled. "somebody's in a good mood today."

i nodded and shrugged. i pulled away from his arm to go sit on the island. "pissed i missed out."

geoff glanced over at me with a sad look, but said nothing. i watched him put finished pancake after finished pancake on a plate on the island. he got the whip cream and syrup from the fridge and set them down on the island too. he finally turned to me. he planted his hands on the island on either side of my bum.

he leaned in close. his lips were a centimetre away from mine before he moved away. i gasped, then jump down from the counter to wrap my arms around his waist before he could run very far. i turned him around to crash our lips together.

i fisted his shirt and his hands cradled my face. we broke the kiss only for me to hop back up onto the counter. unfortunately, i knocked over the whip cream can as i did. geoff broke away with a sigh and bent to pick it up.

"sorry." i mumbled. geoff straightened up and kissed me. he set the whipped cream down and offered a hand to me to help me get down.

"it's okay, daffodil. it wasn't on purpose."


geoff huffed. "let's just have our day, okay? we'll consume our sugar and then go cuddle or play just dance."

i grinned slyly, and he returned the look. we loaded up our plates and hurried to eat. we cleaned up breakfast and raced to get just dance set up.

sometime during it, otto came home. he stopped in the doorway and stared at us with wide eyes. he slowly backed up and closed the door. geoff and i had to pause the game to laugh.

we had an incredibly good day. it was ruined for me when we decided it was time for bed.

i laid awake all night staring at my ceiling. i didn't want to sleep because i didn't want another night terror. despite this, i fell asleep at three am.

i was running in the dream. i instantly knew that i was running from him. he was eventually able to grab me. he dragged me all the way up to his room. there were two pairs of handcuffs. i hyperventilated and passed out.

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