An Unfinished Story

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A bright blue stallion's steps echoed and broke the cold silence as he entered the Canterlot's castle. His emerald eyes scanning his surrounding,like he was scared something would jump on him. Weird,considering the castle was one of the safest place in Equestria.

-''Soarin!'' Celestia cheerfuly said has she caught sight of him. She had been waiting for a long time to meet him,Soarin was a busy pony,just like her. 

Soarin jumped,how did she knew he was there? Oh wait. He immediately told himself as he saw Celestia sitting on her throne. He had been wondering for a long time now why Celestia asked him to come meet her. After all,he was a simple Wonderbolts. Not to brag though,he knew his ''rank'' was high,just looking at his fans,especially Rainbow Dash. This mare had been fangirling over them for a long time now, and couldn't hold her excitement everytime she saw him. A smirk formed on his lips at the thought.okay. he did find her a bit adorable when she went into full fangirling mode,but most importantly,he found that a bit amusing. Soarin began to trot over to the princess, bowing to her in sign of respect.

-''Oh dear,you don't have to do this! I'm only here to talk to you about...well...about..'' The princess remained silent for a moment,giving back the cold silent he disliked much. Okay,what was happening? Was it a bad new? He didn't like it, at all.

-''I'm here to talk about your brother.'' She said firmly,avoiding the pegasi's gaze.

-''M-my br-brother??'' Soarin's voice cracked just thinking about it. This stallion he liked so much,at least used to,was he back? Soarin smiled just thinking about it . He was back!

''Yes. There's things you don't know about him,or at least,didn't tell you...but,I had good intentions!'' Celestia said with shame. A lie was never good,but she still lied,and felt  a bit guilty about it. It was for his own good.

-''Where is he? Can I see him?'' He said with one of the most excited tone. He was impatient now. He started to trot in place like a foal. He completely ignored what Celestia said,too concentrated on seeing his brother again.

-''He's not here...'' She began sadly,sad to break the Wonderbolt's hope. ''Anyway,no time to loose, The Summer Sun Celebration is starting tonight! I need to make sure im all prepared. The book about the secrets on your brother is in the library. The library where Twilight Sparkles is normally staying,she's not here now,though.'' She continued,walking past him,toward the exit door,leaving him behind.

Soarin couldn't talk anymore. All this hope for nothing. His brother would never come back.... A tear fell from his  eye before he started to run fast toward the library,not bothering to use his sore wings from today's practice. He jumped on the book immediately as he arrived,wondering what it was all about. Another prophecy ? He raised an eyebrow,starting to read it.


Demons weren't something that was missing on the moon. Luna,who actually felt guilty for acting like this toward her sister, only wanted to get a revenge. It wasn't her fault,the demons on the moon took control of her,making her anger and jealousy even worse toward her sister. She needed to be set free. She needed a plan. Allies. A dark blue magic aura was surrounding her horn as a part of that magic took a trip from the moon to Equestria. The dark magic gently touched a foal around 9 years old. That foal was no one else th-


The page was cut. But who did this? Did Celestia tried to hide something,or was the book just damaged? It was apparently about his brother...he had the right to see it!  His blood in his veins ran faster as his heartbeat beated faster every second. Anger. He frowned as he threw the book in his bag,not bothering to ask the princess about taking it.

At home,he furiously threw his bag on his bed before sitting next to it,grunting and keeping his angry and confused expression. Who was this foal? Was it his brother? Why him?


Too much questions! 
He shook his head before taking the gray phone. He starred at it. He wanted to call Spitfire. He wanted to call his best friend. For him,she was like a sister, even if most thought she was his marefriend,she was actually his close cousin.
What a joy to be a celebrity! They talk,but never realise how it never makes sense.
He slowly put the phone back at his usual place. He decided not to call; if Celestia decided to keep it secret,there was probably a reason.


Soarin jumped in the shower before taking his uniform he usually took when he went out for a party or a meeting. The outfit showed he was the second in command in The Wonderbolts. He raised his head,looking at the moon. His eyes were shinning has four beautiful stars approached the moon. The usual unicorn pattern on the moon was still there. He quickly flew to Ponyville since he had to do a Wonderbolt Show for The Summer Sun Celebration. His bag with the book and his flying suit was well set on his back as his thoughts were racing. He couldn't concentrate....

Those stars.

They were special.

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