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Soarin was sitting by the same table he sat an hour ago before getting his heart shattered into pieces. He heard Spitfire talking to the Wonderbolts with her usual loud tone. The stallion didn't understand anything she said,well,actually,he didn't even want to. He was completely lost in his thoughts as the mare he was still mad at talked.

-''Soarin!'' Spitfire randomly shouted,looking at him from the other side of the table,frowning. She almost used her whistle when she saw he wasn't listening. 'He's lucky I didn't' she immediately thought.

The other Wonderbolts looked at their co-captain as some of them raised an eyebrow. Most of them were curious,but those who knew Soarin a bit more actually looked a bit worried. The bright blue stallion rarely got lost in his thoughts while at job,he never really showed much emotions until lately. Sure,he was emotional, but disliked to show it in public. 

-''U-uh? ..Sorry.'' He finally said with confusion. He glared around him before realising everypony was looking at him. His ears lowered before blushing a bit. 'Oh well, that's unfortunate' he said to himself.

-''Great. Now that you're back on Equestria and not the moon,let's continue..'' She began, with a bit of annoyance.

Soarin already heard that word before. Moon. Well,yeah sure,it was a common word,but it just felt was from a bad memory. He couldn't remember much since it was really far in his mind.

-''Shadow Surprise has been found in the Everfree forest. Which,as you know,mean she's there too,we need to find her before she does any disasters again..'' She began explaining,giving Soarin a look every now and then to make sure he wasn't ignoring her. ''The Elite Wonderbolts will come with me in this damned forest. I want some of the non-elites Wonderbolts to go near Ponyville and make sure there's not lurking Shadowbolts anywhere. I also absolutely need some ponies to stay here to watch around the HQ for any intruders.'' She exclamated,slowly but surely so they would immediately start the plan and do their assigned task.

Soarin,Spitfire,Fleetfoot and the rest of the elite Wonderbolts started to fly toward the Everfree forest. The stallion gave a quick glance toward Fleetfoot as he realised she looked afraid. Afraid like something he didn't know happened in this forest. His hoof touched the cold ground again. Far away,he could see a cyan mare with a rainbow mane tie up a rope of a broken bridge. He could also see three shadows that vanished as soon as the mare finished to tie up the bridge. It seems like the mare was Rainbow Dash,but he could be wrong. Some wondered how he knew her, I mean, he's a celebrity,right? Well,it seems like the stallion knew the mare as a foal,they weren't that close, but he does remember talking to her on occasions. He just admired how she defended her friend no matter what the cost was,he wished it was the case right now with Spitfire,but she had other plans than taking care of him. 6 ponies crossed the bridge and went toward the highly damaged castle. He still couldn't answer one question, though; Why were they going there? And why was she going there with them? He could barely see Twilight Sparkles through the trees that blocked his view, but it only confused him more that she was there with ponies she probably didn't know much. The Wonderbolts went through another way,going deeper into the forest. Sudendly, a pony landed infront of them. A Shadowbolt.

-''Eh..Not you again.'' He said ,looking disgusted when he realised Soarin was there. ''I recommand you to go back where you came from, Suckerbolts.'' The Shadowbolt said before laughing.

-''Leaving is not an option. We came here just for you.You think we would go in such a disgusting forest for a small walk? What an idiot!'' Spitfire shouted with an irritated tone. All The Wonderbolts took a defensive position as The Shadowbolt walked toward them, his smile changing to a frustrated look. It seems like what Spitfire said didn't please him . Two prideful ponies fighting each other? Bad idea. It seems like both of them were really irritated by small insults,which only made things worse.

-''Oh Spitfire...'' He began, using a dramatic tone and pose.  ''You didn't change,how cute...'' He approached the captain. His massive body now near her,he started to lean toward her as Spitfire didn't even flinch a bit,not intimidated by the stallion. The mare frowned and let a small growl escape her throat. ''Remember,if we won last time we can do it ag-'' He got cut off by the captain as she randomly jumped on him,placing her hoof on his mouth. Both of them were on the ground now,as Shadow Surprise's expression was mixed with confusion and frustration.

The mare whispered difficultly with a voice that only wanted to shout all the frustration inside her out. ''If you ever say another word about what happened last time infront of him I'll make sure you won't ever be able to talk again'' Her voice cracked with frustration as she was tempted to punch him. Spitfire was really bad at controlling her emotions, especially madness.

-''You. Lost.'' He said the words loud and clear just so Soarin could hear them. He looked at Spitfire with a smile like he wasn't afraid. He didn't move, not knowing that pushing her off him would of been a great idea. Spitfire growled,giving Shadow Surprise a look only announcing his death. She took her right hoof as she swinged it towards his face as hard as she could. The punch hit the stallion's cheek,making his head turn slightly to the left. Though,his head turned back as he gave a smile. This smile almost came from the Tartarus itself. ''Not bad for a mare..'' He made fun of her punch with laughter. 

-''Oh, you know what a mare can do to a stallion?'' She began,before mimicking his smile. ''A punch another stallion wouldn't dare to do?'' She placed her right hoof on her chin,making her look like she was thinking. Of course,she obviously knew the answer. ''If not,then, you'll know soon enough..what about now?'' She managed to keep her evil smile even if frustration ran into her veins like  lava flowing down a volcano. She punched him with her left back hoof. ''And what about this? Isn't it good for a mare?'' She mocked him by using what he said earlier. She slowly got off him,looking at the crying Shadowbolt. She thought it was a shame she had to use this move,knowing it was a bit unfair. But sometime,a mare got to do what she have to do.

-''OWWW!'' He yelped as he tried to get up,too. Spitfire turned her body,now facing her teammates. Her eyes half closed as she scanned them. She forget she wasn't only with mares this time. Most of the Wonderbolts stallions were looking away as they tried not to feel empathy for the Shadowbolt. One of them was still looking at Shadow Surprise,bitting his lip, trying not to ask him if he was fine. This stallion was Lightning Streak,he was way too kind. A shame for him the Shadowbolts were their enemies.Showing too much empathy toward an enemy wasn't really encouraged. Some of the mares tried not to chuckle as they , of course, didn't really feel any empathy. Shadow Surprise finally succeeded to get up as he stood on his hooves with difficulty. He growled a bit,looking at Spitfire. Spitfire was about to continue her way to find the mare she was searching,but had an idea. 

-''Okay so,where's Nightshade?'' She randomly asked Shadow Surprise as he glared toward her. He had ,again, a mix  of confusion in his expression like he didn't know she was talking to him. I mean,she just punched him,why would he answer her questions? ''Yes. I'm talking to you. Where's Nightshade?'' She simply asked again,yet, she expected a fast answer.

-''You think I'll tell you? And then I'm the idiot? Anyway, Cya, It was fun seeing your scared faces until your captain randomly got super aggressive for no reason..'' He finally answered,taking back his usual pose before flying away toward the sky where day never came back.

Soarin slowly approached Spitfire with a worried expression. Worried ,yet,confused. Let say that,this day..or rather..night.. was confusing. Everything played again in his head,as he tried to find an answer , but failed. He asked Spitfire a question,which left her looking like a statue. ''Uh..Spitfire..What did he meant with this 'battle' ? '' His voice was rather calm,even if deep inside he was mad that she hurted his brother right infront of him. Why did she tried to stop his brother from talking about this battle that he had no memory of? It seemed like this battle was important,was this why Fleetfoot looked so scared to enter this forest? So much questions,yet no answers. He just hoped he would have those answers soon.

(Author note: Sorry for the long wait. I'll try to post things quicker. I worked on this one almost every day instead of working on it for like 3 hours in one night)

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