The Summer Sun Celebration

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It was still night, Soarin waited patiently for Celestia to raise the sun so he could start the show with The Wonderbolts. Strangely, he started to feel chills as the time passed.Peharps because of the stress,but he never felt that feeling before a show. He looked around,eyes locking on Fleetfoot and Spitfire. They were sitting peacefully,not seeming to have the same feeling as him. He raised his head,looking at the moon again. The same unicorn pattern was still there. Was Celestia late? It wasn't her type. He glanced at his surrounding,immediately enjoying the beautiful decoration put by Rarity. He couldn't clear his mind of this book. He gave another glance toward the moon before starting to sigh. His sigh quickly turned into a gasp as he blinked twice. Those stars were moving! Sure,they were earlier,but not as fast! It was normal for stars to move slowly while  The Summer Sun Celebration,some unicorns choosed by The Princess moved them to add more effects to this special day..or well..night. But they usually moved them extremely slowly,since it took a lot of magic and effort. Those 4 stars,they were moving,fast, toward the moon! He jumped when the stars collapsed on the moon and did a bright flash before disapearing....with the unicorn pattern! He thought he was the only one who saw it,but looking at Twilight Sparkles' expression,she probably did too. All the ponies waited for Celestia,but she never came. Instead,a blue aura moved in the place Celestia was supposed to be. Actually,that weird aura was nothing else than an alicorn's mane. More precisely, Nightmare Moon's mane. Nopony moved,all feared the alicorn. Her voice gave chills. Everytime she opened her mouth,everypony starred back at her with  more fear,she said what no one wanted to hear: Eternal Night. Twilight Sparkles finally spoke,telling Nightmare Moon she knew who she was. He wasn't surprised,but why was it all familiar to him? He saw a bunch of ponies run toward the exit. He followed them,not wanting to stay near that thing any longer. He met Spitfire and Fleetfoot near a tree,a library.

-''Soarin! Fleetfoot! Go back to The Wonderbolts' HQ. I'll meet you guys there. Please warn others to meet me there,too.'' The yellow mare shouted quickly before flying away.

The two Wonderbolts quickly flew toward the HQ,not questionning the captain's order.

 Spitfire Arrived at the Wonderbolts' HQ a bit late with the rest of the Wonderbolts. She took a sit at a long table. Her hoof placed on her face,she look discouraged. 

-''Soarin!'' She suddendly say.

-''As Wonderbolts,we can't sit here and do nothing.  Even if the Princess isn't here anymore to give us orders... Soarin, you,as the second in command,I trust you to go in the Everfree forest , alone...'' She said,voice echoing in the room as everyone was remaining silent.

Soarin felt chill again run on his back; The Everfree forest? Alone? That was suicidal! This forest was haunted with a bunch of evil creatures. But they had no time. The thing they needed,they had not. This fact forced him to go and not ask questions or protest. He started to fly toward the Everfree forest,giving a glance at Spitfire for her decision.


The forest seemed dark. It was cold , even though it was summer. Actually,that cold wasn't the usual cold. It was a cold out of fear,a cold nopony ever wanted to feel. Soarin flew over the trees,making sure no weird creatures would sneak up under him or behind him. Or heck,even in top of him, you never know,this forest is kind of weird. A creature could easily just teleport,it wouldn't be surprising. After all,there's that weird chicken looking creature who makes pony turn to stone by starring at it. The bright blue stallion found a place to land,looking around to make sure it was safe. His hoof gently touched the cold ground of the forest. A shadow who seemed to fly close to the ground appeared on the corner of his eye. Soarin quickly turned his head,breathing heavily. He swallowed out of fear,trying to control his panic. The shadow flew quickly by him,before flying away,infront of him. It suddendly stopped,standing,the shadow was really familiar,which made Soarin a bit more comfortable. The moon shone right infront of the path,making a bright light behind the shadow.
It was another stallion,
A pegasi.
His gray colour was hard to see because of his flying suit covering most of his body. The suit was black, but mostly purple,with yellow lines looking like lightning bolts. It looked a lot like the Wonderbolts suit. The stallion's mane was almost the same colour as Soarin's . His mane was more big and curvy than Soarin's, but they were really alike. His eyes were hidden by small purple and yellow flying glasses. Though,it was simple for Soarin to recognise who it was;
It was Shadow Surprise,
his brother.

-''Sh-Shady? SHADY!'' his voice cracked but switched to an happy and excited tone. His brother was back!

Soarin ran fast toward his brother, a huge smile on his face. A small tear fell from his eye as he continued to run toward him. Soarin was about to jump on his brother,and his brother knew it. The dark gray stallion stepped back,ready to take the hit. Soarin fell on his brother, which made his brother fall on his flank. Shadow Surprise didn't seem to appreciate that,not at all. The stallion grabbed Soarin's back as a reflex, making it look like he returned the hug,which was not the case,of course. Soarin rested his head under his brother's chin,right on his neck and chest.

-''Eh.'' Shadow Surprise said with a disgusted tone.

The gray stallion pushed his brother away rapidly but gently. He was mad at his brother,but he still had a bit of love deep inside him. A love he ignored. A love that would never fade. A love he tried to hide. A love he refused to admit, and most importantly,a love he would never bother to show ever again. His rage took over that small piece of him.

-''You.'' He started with an irritated tone before continuing, ''Go away! Don't bring back the problems!'' He shouted loudly, rage in his harsh tone. A bit of sadness hid under the strong rage,as if a part of him felt horribly guilty. Peharps it was the case,but he didn't know he even felt that way.

-''W-what? Which problems?'' Soarin asked confused. He didn't understand anything. Which problems was he talking about? Where was his brother all this time? And why did he rejected him?

-''Wow. You are pathetic. Still the same...only concentrated on yourself. You already forgot what you did? All the pain you caused? Really? I didn't know you could go that low...'' Shadow Surprise said,discouraged. He thought that peharps,his brother learned a lesson,but it seemed like he didn't.

-''W-what?? What did I do ? Tell me..Please! I'm sorry,for whatever I did. Forgive me,please. I love you,you're my brother!'' He said desperately,still not understanding what was happening. He still tried to be forgiven for something he ignored. What was happening?

His brother's shadow grunted and disappeared as he flew toward the abandonned castle in the Everfree forest.

As for him,Soarin flew back to the Wonderbolts' HQ,holding his tears in case he would get judged by ponies passing by. In society,if a stallion cried,he would be seen as weak. Didn't help if he was a Wonderbolt; if medias ever noticed he was crying,it would be all over the newspapers in no time.


-''Soarin! So,did you find anything weird in the forest?'' Spitfire said with her usual authoritarian tone.

-''Well if being rejected by my own brother and be blamed for things I didn't even do or at least can't remember is weird,then,yes.'' He said firmly and harshly,almost matching the voice his brother used agaisn't him.

''Hmm,thank you. If you're brother is here then, she must be too. Thank you Soarin,good job.'' She said while resting her front hoof on her chin,thinking. She gave Soarin a soft smile as if it was to comfort him. Strangely,the smile who used to make everything okay didn't work this time. Spitfire just ignored him,she just gave him a stupid smile. What? Is that all she had to say? He just saw his brother after thinking he was gone forever for Celestia's sake! Spitfire's attitude started to make him mad. She only used her professional side. What about her soft side? The one Soarin cried on the whole night after his brother was gone. Where was it now?


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