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I look in the mirror and stare at myself until I don't recognize my reflection. I know that I'm strong and independent, but when Draco lost his memory, it felt like a part off me vanished. The sudden urge to drop everything and chase after Draco rises, but I push it back down. I suddenly realize that although I can't make him remember, I can make him see. I plop down on the bed and pull out my camera. There I have every picture of us stored for a rainy day and it seems as though today is that rainy day. I apparate to the nearest magic photo store to print them.

An owl hoots as I walk in. I give my camera to the man at the counter.
"Are you sure you want all of these printed? It's going to take a few days." He questions.
I nod my head excitedly, pay, then walk around the store for a few minutes before deciding to leave. There's a piece of parchment taped to the door that reads 'MISSING: DRACO MALFOY.' There is an image of him on the front with a short description on the bottom.

"Excuse me sir, but when did this get here?" I nervously ask.
"Sometime early this mornin'. Hope he's found soon, the nights are gettin' cold." He replies dryly.
"Thank you." I rush out, parchment in hand. I walk the whole four miles back to Ginny and Harry's house, thinking about Draco the entire time. What possibly could have happened to make him run away? I can just leave him wherever he is. I bet he's cold and maybe even frightened, what if something bad happens? I push through the door and walk to the guest room. Harry and Ginny are napping on the couch so I sneak by and pack my stuff, write a quick note, and then leave.

I walk through the little town, asking people if they've seen him. Most just shook their heads and walked by, some offering to help. I politely decline and begin to apparate home. I appear inside of my bedroom. I begin. To shiver as I walk through the halls and turn up the thermostat. I turn around, and there he is. Draco. I gasping, I run towards him.

"Where were you? Do you realize how worried I was? Don't ever scare me like that again!" I command. I hug him and for the first time in a while, I feel him hug me back.
"I know I know. I just woke up one night in the street outside of my parents house and something inside just told me to keep walking. I left a note, but the rain must've destroyed it. Something drew me here so I came back." Draco admits. I just nod my head and begin to make some tea. I'd question him but it seems like he has had a hard enough day without my questions. I look at him and his eyes are red and somewhat puffy.

I have been extremely busy with schoolwork and other stuff so if anybody would like to help me write this, I would accept the help.

With love,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2018 ⏰

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