Chapter 2

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The house was quiet, as still as death, not even the sound of a ticking clock could be heard. The strange aura wafted through the small one-story home causing a little Luka to wake up. Opening one eye and then the other he wondered where his mom was and why she hadn't woken him up yet. Normally she was good about getting him up in time for school and breakfast but today he didn't even smell food or hear the sounds of her in the kitchen. Worried, he sat up and strained his ears to hear anything, but nothing. Slipping a leg out from under the covers on his bed his foot made contact with the cold hardwood floor of his room. Wincing at the bitter cold he let the other foot down and got out of the bed quietly and made his way to the door of his room. He didn't know why but he feared what he might find outside of his room and hesitated before grabbing the knob and turning it. He was greeted with more of the deathly silence, it was almost suffocating him with how thick it felt in the small house. Making his way into the kitchen he noticed papers and other items had been flung across the room, broken glass scattered on the kitchen floor. Luka stood still taking in the destruction of the kitchen, his charcoal eyes capturing everything even the smallest of red dots scattered on the tiling and carpet leading towards his mother's room. Wide-eyed and scared the boy crept down the hall following the small red dots only to see them get larger and larger before stopping at her door. His small frame shook as he reached a pale hand to the door and tapped against it three times. There was no reply from the other side, shaking like leaf Luka rested his hand on the knob and twisted. What he saw took the breath out of him instantly. His beautiful, loving mother was lying in a pool of her own blood, one hand reaching towards the door as if she was trying to get to away or go towards something. Her face was covered by her long black hair, a few strands of it lay encrusted by the now dried blood. Rushing forward the little raven-haired boy clutched the cold hand of his mother to his tiny chest. His breath coming back to him only for him to start hyperventilating as tears streamed down his face. He began to rock back and forth shaking the whole time, soon the cold hand of his mother wasn't enough, and he reached down and grabbed her small frame and held her head close to him still rocking back and forth. His mind not fully comprehending that she was gone but knowing that she wasn't awake.

End of Flashback...

Luka felt the warm tears fall onto his hands and run down his wrist and arm only to fall one more time before hitting the carpet underneath him with a dull thud. He knew crying didn't help, if anything it only caused major headaches and his nose to start running, it made him feel "dirty" and he hated being dirty. The crusty tearstains on his cheeks and the snot leaking from his nose reminded him of his uncle and how crying wasn't manly.

Right because manly was beating up a defenseless child as a way of making him stronger. To show what a man was like he had to be stronger than those around him and if beating me was the only way to get me to learn then why not? Right? Right?

Kenny did make him stronger but not in the way he had planned. Luka became a monster, unruly and no easier to control than when he was a "weak" child. With all the beatings Levi took the pain and then used it against his uncle. He created many enemies all with the intent of having them kill his uncle for him, but as the years progressed he learned that doing things with your own hands is how you get it done the way you want. So, he learned how to fight knowing that one day he would be able to use the skills to kill his abusive uncle. That day did come, and it was chaos, Luka knew the plan and how to execute it and yet once it happened he never felt the relief, that release from killing who he thought was the reason for his miserable life. Lifting his head up he took another swig watching the amber liquid slosh around when he lowered the bottle. Krista his kind, caring, loving mother was murdered, and Luka was left in the care of his abusive uncle Kenny. Never again would that little boy know the feeling of love, his life had ceased to exist in the world of kindness and had begun anew in the world of darkness and deceit. As more memories surfaced the amber liquid receded at a faster rate, his heart was aching from all the pain but the more he drank the more his feelings began to fade. The tears stopped altogether and the only thing he could remember to do was lift the bottle and drink until the last drop of that sweet nectar was gone. It was well past midnight when he finished off the bottle, he let it slide out of his hand and bounce on the carpet before settling against his foot. He knew he should have bought more than one bottle and with a quiet Tch... he closed his eyes. His mind was no longer aching, and his body had become numb and wasn't able to follow his simple commands of getting up. He knew he drank too much but didn't care and had hoped that the whiskey had been the instrument of death he had so dearly needed in ending his life. With a heavy sigh, he leaned his head back against the couch and let sleep claim him or death if it so desired to make an appearance.

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