Chapter 3

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Are you fucking kidding me? Who the hell is at my door at this hour... what fucking time is it anyway? Why am I still alive? Fuck!

I opened my eyes to see it was dark outside and the rain had picked up since I last cared to notice. My head was pounding from the large amount of alcohol I consumed in hoping I would just slip away quietly and under the radar of life but somehow, I survived and now this incessant knocking was bugging me.

"Alright, Alright! Fuck I'm coming!" I pushed the bottle away from me and grabbed the edge of the coffee table to pull myself up off the carpet. My legs and arms tingling from sitting that way for who knows how long after passing out. Again, the knocking got louder and faster and I groaned running my hand through my hair smoothing it as I walked to the front door and yanked it open.

"What the fuck are you doing? Don't you know what time it is?" I groaned rubbing my temples knowing I had a very heavy hangover and glared at the person towering over me. He looked crazed almost feral with wide eyes showing so much white, and he was soaked to the bone.

With the help of the porch light, I was able to tell he was my age maybe older, handsome if he wasn't soaked and frightened. Light blue eyes bore into my steel ones as we had a miniature staring contest to see who would make the first move, it was a few seconds of me glaring up at him before he spoke.

"We need your help. Please... Please help us..." the man said looking at a body laying against my apartment wall. It was small and covered in a heavy brown jacket that hid any features from my view, but I could tell that person was in very bad shape. The man looked at me again his body shivering uncontrollably. With a sigh, I pushed the door open in a silent invitation and watched as he picked up the body and then walked into the main hallway. Water was pooling underneath his feet and I grimaced knowing I was going to have to clean this whole house after letting these strangers into my home.

"Thank you...." He mumbled as I closed the door behind me with a distinct clicking sound making him seem a little more at ease. Moving deeper into the apartment I noticed how hard it was for him to keep holding the body in his arms.

What the fuck am I going to do now? I have two strangers in my home and I'm not fucking dead... God my head hurts. Maybe I offer a room... yes... I'll do that and then I will clean up this fucking watery mess...

"I...Uh... here follow me... I have a guest room you two can use... you should probably shower and get into warmer clothes, I'll look for some but go ahead and shower and then tend to ..."

"Tori... Her name is Victoria, and I'm Fane." Tch... That asshole just cut me off while I was talking. Who the hell does he think he is!? He cut in as he followed me into a smaller room with a twin sized bed against the far corner underneath a window. Gently laying her down on the bed he brushed the red hair out of her face and winced.

"I'll tend to her first, she's worse than I am right now I will survive a little while longer" nodding I left the room and went to my closet and grabbed a t-shirt and some sweats for Victoria since we were both small. Fane, however, his height was a problem... Staring at my clothes I sighed and decided on another pair of sweats and a sweater that was too big for me hoping it was ok. Walking back to the room I stopped and knocked on the wall next to the open door and waited until Fane came up to me with heavy eyes.

"Here, these should fit her but... I don't really have clothes your size, but uh these might work. Towels are already in the bathroom hanging up and there should be other... uh... shower things in the bathroom" he nodded, and I pointed him to the correct door and then walked into the living room before sitting on the couch with my head in my hands.

What the hell is going on here... I was supposed to be dead and instead, here I am helping total fucking strangers and letting them into my house. IN MY HOUSE, MY VERY CLEAN HOUSE! What was I thinking? Oh... right I wasn't thinking because I was supposed to fucking be dead!

"Well, nothing can get worse from here..." I muttered quietly to myself as I looked around my living room, catching the glare from the glass I stood up and picked up the now empty bottle of whiskey and carried it to the kitchen. I didn't know what to do, I had no social skills what so ever and yet here I was forced to now socialize. Do I offer them food and drinks? I already gave them clothes and a shower isn't that enough?

"Tch. I'll just ask if he wants tea." I grumbled setting the empty bottle on the counter before walking back towards the guest room.

"Uhh... Fane? I'm going to make some tea... Would you like something?" I asked standing outside of the door hoping to get an answer soon instead of having to actually knock on the door.

"Fane?" my patience was already thin after my not so death experience and I didn't want to think anymore. Still, no response and I had just started to turn back to go make myself tea when the bathroom door opened showing me a half-naked Fane. His light brown hair was damp still slightly dripping down his chest only to get stopped by the towel that was wrapped around his waist and I was standing in the middle of the hallway frozen in shock.

"Don't you know to not walk around people's places naked!" I growled raising an eyebrow as he walked closer to where I was standing.

"You told me to shower, so I showered. It's not like I'm going to do anything while I'm naked... Geeze. Did you ask something while I was in the shower by the way?" He said with a small smile as if taunting me.

"I asked if you wanted tea..."

"Yes, that would be great... Thank you" Fane replied opening the door and sliding inside quickly.


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