Chapter 4

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Victoria's POV

Where am I? This bed is warm and comfy, maybe I can just stay here forever. Where's Fane?

"Fane?" I whispered as I sat up in the bed taking in my surroundings for the very first time. The room was small and very clean, almost sparkling it was so clean. Nothing but a bed that I was currently laying in and a dresser with some of Fane's items on it, and a window with the curtain's drawn to stop the light that was now starting to rise. The walls were a white and looked like they were freshly painted since they were so spotless, but I doubt it was new paint. The bed sheets weren't fancy, but they felt nice against my skin, the comforter was a nice navy blue with light blue sheets underneath keeping in what little warmth I put off. Still wondering where Farlan was I made a move to get out of the bed but then realized I had no clothes on and a blush crept to my cheeks as I pulled the sheets up to my neck in embarrassment.

What the hell do I do now? I'm naked in someone else's bed... Oh god! What happened last night... I remember going home with Fane and walking in on my parents. My parents... They were now dead... I remember they were shot by two people and Farlan grabbed me and we left the house running for our lives. It was raining, and I couldn't find Fane and then I was being attacked by some man and Fane saved me... He saved me! I remember him saying we needed shelter but that is when everything gets foggy... What am I missing? Where is Fane!

Sighing I ran my hand through the sheets feeling the softness and then I heard a click as the door to the room opened, scared I threw the covers up over my head and curled up into a ball.

"Tori, you're ok. It's me... Fane" I could hear his voice, that smooth rumble, I slowly pulled the sheets down enough to see him but still high enough to hide my naked body from him and I blushed again.

Ugh what's wrong with you Tori? Get a grip!

Lost in my own thoughts I felt the edge of the bed dip as he sat down, his hip brushing against my leg as he moved to look at me. I could smell his clean scent and I noticed he was only in a towel and his hair was still damp. Oh, shiiiit he's naked... I'm naked!! Oh god! What the hell happened last night! A chuckle broke my thoughts and I closed my eyes memorizing that heavenly sound before slowly opening them to see his light blue eyes meet my green ones.

"Fane... What happened? I remember the shots and my parent's... they're... they're dead... then I remember us running and then I couldn't find you and then.... then you were there saving me from that guy but after that I don't... I don't remember." I could feel myself flinch at the memories flooding back into my consciousness, the tears threatening to fall as I pictured the lifeless bodies of my parent's.

"Tori... I had to carry you since you were shivering so much, and you passed out as I was looking for somewhere to hide. I came across these apartments and I picked the first one I came up to... you had me so worried, you were so cold and not moving anymore I got desperate... Thankfully the guy that lives here let us stay for the night, even gave us a room, clothes and a shower to use... But you were passed out I could only think of getting you warm and uh well... yeah" He started rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness with a slight pink tint rising up to his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He was so cute, and I couldn't help but reach up and touch his cheek as he tensed at the touch only to relax as I pulled him closer to me, I let my forehead rest against his lightly before pulling away and kissing the warmth of his forehead.

"Thank you... Fane. I guess I should shower and meet this guy that saved us" Slightly moving the sheets slowly to let him know that I was getting ready to get up. He didn't seem to understand and was just sitting there staring at me with a look I'd never seen before, it made my stomach clench and do flips as a small smile graced his lips before he cleared his throat and got up. He grabbed some clothes and quickly threw them on before he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Stunned I sat on the bed for a few minutes wondering what just happened, then I decided I really needed a shower and threw on the clothes before making my way out of the room only to remember I didn't live here and didn't know where anything was. Looking around I could see light coming from a room down the hall and followed it into the living room. I couldn't see Fane, but I did see a guy our age sitting on a nice grey couch and figured this must be the one that saved us and let us stay the night. He wasn't very tall maybe a foot taller than me and had short black hair styled in an undercut, I thought it was weird, but it suited him somehow. He was hunched over with his hands pushing his hair backwards and his skin was pale.

Great saved by a vampire, just our luck... But he's kind of cute... Not that I'd date someone like him but maybe he'd be a great brother or something... Oh, who am I kidding, I just met the guy and we will probably be thrown out the second he knows I'm awake.

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