10 -- Nightwhisper

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"Nightwhisper! What do you mean?" Sliverstone had demanded. The dark warrior had only pressed herself harder into the silver warrior.

Now Sliverstone knew, several moons later, and she was about to experience the death of her beloved mate. It was moonhigh, and Nightwhisper stood alone with Sliverstone by the silent, rushing river.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Nightwhisper asked. Sliverstone couldn't reply. All she could think of was passing the river on every hunting patrol, imagining her mate coming back from The Place of Cold Waters.

"You're still here!" Nightwhisper would say while the two she-cats ran to bathe in each other's embrace. Sliverstone would cover her in longing kisses while the dark warrior purred in happiness.

Nightwhisper brushed herself against the stone-faced Sliverstone for the last time. "I know you'll take care of Breezepaw, and I know one day, you'll lead BrambleClan into a bright future."

Sliverstone used all her strength to keep from crying. She could only mutter three final words to her mate, "I love you." Her throat had gotten so tight, it became very hard to breathe.

Despite all the sadness between the two cats, Nightwhisper smiled. "I love you, too."

It was over in a heartbeat. Watching the last of her mate's shape sinking below the waters, Sliverstone couldn't handle her devastation any longer. "Nightwhisper!" The silver she-cat bursted. She cried to the horizon where the river disappeared. "Nightwhisper, come back!" She felt herself scrambling. "Nightwhisper! Nightwhisper!" Her heart was pounding out of her chest and tears were running from her eyes.

Sliverstone heard the sleepy cats begin to creep out of their dens to investigate the loud noises, but she ignored them. The silver warrior was breathing loudly, still calling her mate's name. Cats rushed to her side asking what had happened. She didn't speak.

Breezepaw shoved her way to her friend. Sliverstone collapsed in grief, sobbing uncontrollably. Breezepaw lied next to her best friend quietly, breathing calmly, she began to feel Sliverstone's chest rise and fall in sync with hers.

The cream and white apprentice didn't know what had taken place or how close her two best friends had become, but she didn't need to understand. She lied awake the remainder of the night next to her mournful friend while the rest of the curious clan had fallen back asleep.

Sliverstone got up without a word and never mentioned the event that has taken place again, and Breezepaw hasn't asked. She had noticed the absence of Nightwhisper, everyone did, and slowly, everyone began to understand, and no one had to ask.

West Woods: Sliverstone's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now