Day 1

39 3 2

-Get the f*ck out of the way, dummy! (yelled a jerk behind me)

High school. AKA the worst place on earth.

As I walked throught the hallway to my locker, people all around me wer talking (yelling) to eatchother. I unlocked my old locker and placed my bag on the hook, then Autumn suddently and loudly opened her locker which made me "eep" in suprise.

-Sorry, didn't mean to. Man, these lockers suck!

-No kidding. If you haven't noticed already, it happens pretty much every single day. Did the christmas vacation drained you out of all your memory? (I said in a jocking tone)

-Ha. Ha. Ha. Not funny. 

I turned around, waiting for the daily friend mob that comes to attack us with gossip. I then saw Sarah, our "nerd", like we like to to call her (even tho she absolutly dispises it). 

-Hey guys! Wut's up? 

-Saraaaaah!!! (I hugged her tightly)

-Get off. Of me. Right now. I hate hugs and you know it. Ok, that's enough! (she pushed me away) So hows the compagny?

I knew she ment the souless. I shruged.

-So so, I guess. Nothing really new. OH WAIT! (I searched in my bag for a peice of paper) How in the world could I ever forget that?!

-What is it? (Both Sarah and Autumn asked) (they laughed)

I pulled out a letter and handed them to my friend, extremly (and unusualy) exited. Isabella, our other (wierdo) friend came up behind us and backed away to the view of the letter.

-Woah. Lots of words. What the heck. 

I laughed and decided to resume the huge text in a few words.

- Since I have a rare "disease" (I shivered, discusted), they said I can have a free wish!

- A wish?... (Autumn asked)

- You know, the Make-A-Wish foundation? (Sarah said)

- Oh yeah, I saw a comercial about those things on TV! (Isabella shouted) 

I then shook Autumn's shoulders vigourasly.


- W-W-WHAA-AAT? (she said, creeped out by my "shoulder-shaking" skills) 

- I get to to my bucket list!!! And you know what's on my friking bucket list?!?!

- No...... Don't tell me we're gonna..... See...... Them......?

I nodded vigourisly until I cracked my neck.

- Ow..... That hurts.... I-

Then Autumn started vigourisly shaking my shoulders and started screaming.


Her scream atracked many people's attention (no shit). 

-Auu-tuu-uum oo-k y-y-you can-nn s-top noo-oow!

- Oh my god, I swear, I'm gonna faint, I'm gonna die, I love you and your brain so friking much, oh my gooooood!!!!

- You lucky-heads!!!!!! (shouted Isabella) Can I come? Please?!

- I'm so sorry, I can only bring one person! If I could, I'd bring you all!

 - Yeah yeah....... (Sarah said, a little dissapointed)

- Ok guys, I promess that every time I'll meet someone, I'll bring back something for each one of you. Including the people that here right now. Speeking of which, where are they?

-They're all upstrairs, for some reason. (Isabella pointed to the stairs)

We wer about to go and join them, but the bell rang.

- Of course... (I muttered) 

As we started walking to our classes, Autumn couldn't stop talking, she was practicly on the verge of crying. 

- When are we leaving?! How long will we be there? Whart should I bring? What should I WEAR?! 

- Uhhhh.... Two weeks, two weeks, stuff for the day and the night, fancy clothes, casual clothes, pjs, laptop, and a bunny outfit.

- Why the hell should I bring a bunny outfit?!

- I was being sarcastic! Come on, we're gonna be late, and we both know that one more strike and we're going to detention. 

We ran to our classes (even tho we're not allowed to) and the (boring ass) day started.

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