The worst day ever

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As we pulled apart from the kiss, we looked into each others eyes. Elkin fainted a smile and shyly looked down. I grinned, wiping away the tear that had rolled down my cheek. It truly had been a magical kiss, yet so soothing. I wanted to cuddle, but the fact that we were in a tree was making things a bit complicated. I put my hand on his, then looked down at the ground, trying to tell him that I wanted to go back down. He nodded and started climbing down the tree. I followed behind him, but not with as much agility and graciousness than him. When we finally landed I rushed into his arms. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. This moment was... Unbelivable. Magical. Unique. I loved him so much. But I also felt unsure at the same time. 

- How are we gonna tell the others.....? I asked him, looking up to his beautiful face. 

 - ...... I suggest we wait a bit........ answered Elkin, thoughtful. They'll understand... But, your people won't...

- You're right....... But meanwhile, we should get going..... The others are going to start getting worried. 

He nodded and loosened the grip of our hug. Hands intertwined, we walked back to where I came from.

----------------------------------------------------------5 months later----------------------------------------------------------

As the months (painfully) went by, my love for Elkin only grew bigger, but so did my love for Mael. I was so confused, one love wasn't real, and another would be hard to get. But I knew that I was going to write a love letter to Mael by the end of the year. 

It was the last full day of school. I was decorating the cafeteria for the last dance, talking to my friend Kayla. The last dance was an important event for me, and I was sure it was going to be the best night of my life.

- Are you going with anybody? I asked Kayla.

- Yeah, I'm going with Ty. You? she replied.

- I'm going with Marc, I said, not daring to look at her face. 

- Oooooooooh! she said, playfully punching my shoulder.

- We're only friends!!! I shouted at her.  

- Yeah, riiiight. Did you hear? Mael is going with Miranda. 

My heart stopped beating for half a second.

- Don't worry!!! They're claiming that they're only going as friends.

- Mmmmmhhm..... I said, shrugging. 

- Ooooh, is someone jeeeealous?

- Shut your face-hole, Kayla.

- Fine, fine.

We finished decorating the large room and went home. I put on my most beautiful dress. Long, black as night, strapless and covered in sparkles. I ran out of time to do my hair, so I simply brushed it and set it on my left shoulder. When I was done applying my makeup I was ready to go. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I smiled. "I actually look kinda pretty..." I thought to myself.  

- Don't you always? I heard Elkin's voice say in my head.

- Ha, ha, very funny. No I don't, I said.

- Why do you always say that?

- Because I know it's the truth. 

- Well then I am smarter then you, because I have the knowledge that your opinion is wrong.

I snickered. He always knew what to say to make me feel better. 

- I have to go, but you can come along in the car... I said, walking to the door.

- I'd be honored to. 

The ride to the school wasn't long, and when we arrived I saw Marc wearing a black suit.

-Classy classy, mister douche! I teased him. 

- I. Hate. Wearing this, he told me, his hands in his pockets.

- Hahahaha! Well then get used to it, baby poo. 

We then entered the school and I hugged every single one of my friends, amazed by their dresses. The night continued with festivities, fun, music, snacks, and then, I saw him. Mael. I violently elbowed Autumn, looking in Mael's direction. 

- Au. Autumn. Au. Au. Look, I said, hitting her after each word, not tearing my gaze away from him. 

- Ow, ow, OW! I get it! she answered as she slapped my hand away. 

- I'm so nervous, like, holy crap, oh my god, he's right there. 

- Calm down, Jesus! Let's just go and dance. 

We went on the dance floor with our friends until the song that was playing was over. Then, a slow song started to fill the cafeteria. 

- Aaaaargh, c'mon, all the single ladies, let's get out of here, I told my friends. 

We walked out of the dance floor and sat down, then started eating the food that was set on a long table. We were talking and laughing, chatting about random stuff. 

Then, suddently, I remembered. Mael brought a girl with him. Without warning my friends I got up and rushed to the dance floor to see Mael slow dancing with Miranda, her head resting on his chest, eyes closed. Mael was looking down at her with passion showing in his eyes. My heart felt like it was crushed into billions of pieces by a wrecking ball. Several tears went up to my eyes, about to flow like a fountain. Not being able to see them anymore because of my pain, rage, and sadness, I walked away as fast as I could. I tried to hide in a corner, that not a lot of people know of, but Autumn found me pretty quickly. 

- Hey, Taby! What's the matter?.... she asked me. 

Not being able to hold back the tears anymore, I cupped my face with my hands and started sobbing. The popular girls of my grade rushed to come see me as they noticed me crying. 

- Oh my god, Taby! What's wrong?! they asked me, actually sounding pretty sincere. 

- M-My cru-ush is da-ancing with another gi-irl...... I said in between sobs.

- Oh my god... one girl said.

- That's so mean! said another.

- Who was it?... 

I was a bit startled by that last question, but since he broke my heart, I decided to admit who it was.

- M-Mael.... I said before starting to cry even more. 

- Oooooh..... Tabithia, it's gonna be ok, alright... 

- Yeah, they're just friends!...

- Bullsh*t! I almost shouted. 

- She really REALLY liked him... Autumn told them.

- Ooooh, you poor thing! one girl said before hugging me, as I awkwardly embraced her back. 

I wiped the tears away from my face, trying to calm down. 

- Are you gonna be ok?... she asked. 

- Yeah... I said, partially lying to her.

- Alright.... she answered, rubbing my back as I walked away. 

After that, I barely wanted to talk to anyone. It wasn't the first time this sort of thing happened, but I got over the past ones pretty easily. But not this one. Mael meant the world to me. I drew him, wrote poems, stories and love songs about him, cherished him with all my heart without him even knowing about it. I went to the dance floor and passed by them. By that time, a few other songs had passed by and another slow one started to play. I was all alone in a corner, where not many people could see where I was. I looked around and saw all the couples on the dance floor dancing, including Mael and Miranda. I had never been so depressed in my entired life. Elkin suddenly apeared in front of me. He gently took my hand and pulled me in for a hug. Not saying another word, we slowly danced together, my hand brushing through his hair, and at that moment my love for him grew even more. As the song was coming to an end, we stopped our dancing by a gentle kiss. I then knew that I would never look at Elkin or Mael with the same eyes ever again.

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