Every story has an asshole

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My day started to become a nightmare when lunch time came. 

I was searching for my USB key in my book bag while all of my friends where either outside, at the library or in the cafeteria. 

- Man, where the hell did it go?! I'm sure it's in here somewhere... I muttered, frustrated. 

- What are you looking for? someone asked from behind me.

I turned around and saw Marla, one of the souless. She was one of my many invented characters from Star Wars roleplays. She had looooooong brown hair, shiny green eyes and always wore a smile. But most importantly, she posseds a perfect memory. 

- I'm searching for my USB key... Do you remember where I put it last time? I asked, hopeful that she may know the answer. 

- Hummmm......... Isn't in your side pocket with a zipper, where you keep your p-

- Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it. 

I opened the zipper, and there it was! My (very) expensive USB key. 

- Yes!!! Thank you so much Marla! But, why would I put it there... 

- 'Cus your dumb? she winked at me.

- Ha. Ha. Ha. Not funny, I sarcastically answered.

- I was just kidding, you know it... So, whats new?

- Well, nothing really... How's your family? 

- They're fine, agai-

Suddenly, I heard an annoying voice that I automatically reconized. 

- Tabyyyyy! How ya' doing!!!!

I turned around and saw Josiah, the biggest a-hole I ever met in my entire life. 

"Oh no, not him again..." I thought.

- Get away from me, you douchebag, I said while closing my locker, the sounds echoing through the empty hallway. 

- No thanks Taby! Who were you talking to, huh? You imaginary boyfriend? he snickered.

- Shut up! Go away! You know that you can't say th-

- Oh wait, never mind, even in your head you can't have one! I mean, who would go out with... THAT... he overdramatically gestured me from head to toe.

- Stop it! I yelled.

- Stahp et! he said mockingly. 

I then felt something (or most likely someone) take over my body. It was such a weird feeling, I couldn't control any of my actions or body. All I was able to do was watch in horror.

Suddenly, I violently kicked Josiah in the stomach then pushed him to the ground. 

- Owww!! he shouted. What the... I could get you expelled for that!!

- She won't... Because she didn't do it.

"Wait... I said that? What the heck is going on?!" I thought.

- Don't ever do that again, or I'll be back!!! "I" then threatened him. Now, flee!!

Josiah clumpsly got up and speed walked away, probably weirded out. My whole body then violently shivered, and I was back to normal. I stared at the wall for a couple seconds, wondering who in the souless could have possibly done that. Was it Therma? Laira? Maris? Countress Krye?! All I knew for sure is that I needed to have a serious talk with all of them.

A severe headache then started to painfully make his way. My hands snaped to my head as I fell to the ground. I then felt a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

- Tabithia... Are you alright...?

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