Sadie Gets Soaked: Eva POV

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A/N I forgot. None of the PJO and KC characters are mine, so don't go around telling everyone how awesome these characters are because they aren't mine, well except for Eva and a few others that I have planned. Oh and if your one of my school friends and you see one of the characters taking on your personality, don't yell at me. not my fault. Anyway. . .


I started freaking out really bad. "C-cousin? She's my cousin?" I stammered. I didn't think I had a cousin.

"Yes she is. Well, kind of. She's your third cousin. She's going to let you spend the night at her place. Do you want to go?" I looked at Mom and saw that she was crying. I rushed to her side and gave her a hug.

"It's going to be alright Mom. It's going to be alright." I could tell she didn't believe me so I just told the girl, Sadie that I would go with her. We left after I grabbed some stuff out of my room. It was fun actually. She had a convertible that looked brand new, so my hair was a mess when we got there, but other than that I was fine. I got out of the awesome car when she stopped, and she gestured to the sky. I looked up to see a mansion on top of a warehouse. I didn't understand how that was possible, but I guessed it was some kind of magic. We quickly walked up a flight of steps and got to the garage of the mansion.

Sadie turned to me and asked, "Do you think you can open the door?"

"Did you forget your keys or something?" was my reply.

"No, no." She grinned a little, "I just need to see if you can open the door. It's a test."

"Oh. Okay. I'll see what I can do." I concentrated really hard on the door and what it would look like open. I opened my eyes and there was a puddle of water around me. Sadie had a priceless look on her face like she hadn't really expected me to accomplish anything. It looked like she was soaked to the bone. Glad it was summer or I may have been in trouble. I started to laugh. I mean who wouldn't?

She turned to me and said, "Well I know which goddess your going to study." It was so funny that I just fell over and started laughing all over again. Now come on. With a comment like that, who wouldn't? She told me to come on and we walked into the house. She quickly closed the doors after us and told me to go sit on the couch. I did. She walked off and came back with a boy who looked like an Egyptian pharaoh. Or at least like the first Egyptian pharaoh. What was his name again? Oh, that's right. Narmer? Lamer? I don't really know which one of those. All I knew is that it's something really weird like that.

"Hello." the guy said. "You must be Eva. My name's Carter."

"Hello Carter. Question. Why am I here? Besides the fact that I'm supposed to be spending the night at my cousins, where exactly are we? How is this house on top of an old warehouse? How did the door turn into water on the way in? Why are you acting like something is going to sneak through the doors and attack you? And who exactly are you?" I asked.

"No time for twenty questions now. Sadie tells me that your good with water is that correct?"

"Yeah, but why is that important? I always thought it was because my brother was around. That mainly seems to be the only time that anything with water happens."

"Half-brother. No. It's much more than that. See, you're an Egyptian magician."


A/N edited! I finally corrected my spelling mistakes! So, comment, vote, fan, etc., etc.

<3 Carloaf (once again, if you can guess why that is my nickname, I'll put you in my story. I gave you a little hint above. you just have to figure out what it is.)

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