My Horrible Morning Becomes Relatively Better: Eva POV

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I laid there crying. I could feel Sarah coming over to comfort me, but it did no good. I cried until I had no tears left, then I got up and walked out of the cabin to find Rob and Bleu. This is my fault, I thought over and over in my head. Once again I had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I should have figured out what my dream meant before going back to bed. Before I knew it, I was standing outside what must have been the Hephaestus cabin. I knocked slowly and the door as thrust open by a rampaging Rob.

She tackled me on the way out. "What the hell has got you so worked up!?" she yelled. "Everyone in there is freaking out because it's raining! What happened now?"

It's raining? I thought. I hadn't even noticed. "They're gone Rob. They're gone!" is all I got out before a fresh wave of tears came. The rain came down faster.

"What's wrong now?" came Bleu's voice from far off. I could tell Rob gave him a look because he just came over and joined in the hug. "Nevermind. I know." We just stood there like that for what felt like hours before I pulled away.

"Well at least we know what we need to look for." I said, explaining what happened in my ba trip.They looked at me like I was insane.

"You're still going through with this?" Bleu asked , voicing what I knew both of them were thinking.

"Yes I'm still going through with this. They attack my brother, they better be ready for a little Eva whoop ass." I said.

"So he is your brother." came a voice from behind me. I turned to see Clarissa with a serious face. "You're needed at the Big House," she said. I whimpered and started walking in that direction, knowing full well what to expect.


I wouldn't look in the room. Just thinking about my brother in the same predicament as Carter and the others was enough to drive me to tears again. Everyone else went in but I wouldn't. I was at the time trying to control my feelings to get it to stop raining, which was a horrible fail. Chiron personally asked me to stop the rain, but I couldn't. Apparently there was a Roman Preator coming in about an hour and Chiron wanted the valley to be dry when he got here. I got up and walked outside to get some fresh air. A nice stroll through the strawberry fields would be nice, or so I thought. Of course, that was ruined by Grover popping out of the woods with a mad look on his face. [Mad here is used as an idiom to mean completely and udderly crazy] [Sarah: They don't need a background on that use of the word mad. Gods. Sometimes I really forget how much of a nerd you are.]

"Where are they?" he asked as soon as he saw me. I just pointed toward the Big House and he took off again. I needed somewhere to cool off and let my emotions out without anyone seeing. I walked into the thinnest part of the woods and sat down.

I don't know how long I sat there before I heard a twig snap behind me. I shot to my feet and pulled out a box of Kleenex from the duat. I quickly threw them back and got my staff. It was pointed right at the chest of a guy in a purple toga.

"What do you want?" my voice came out all cracked and gravelly. I wiped a tear away from my eye.

"Nothing. I was just wondering why someone would be stupid enough to go into the woods during a storm." I looked around me. It sure was still raining.

"Well, that's none of your business. Why are you wearing a toga?"

"Why were you crying?" he retaliated. I glared at him and started to walk out of the clearing, deeper into the woods. I realized what I was doing and stopped. I looked at the sun to figure out directions and turned to go west toward the lake and hopefully a river mouth.

"Where are you going?" came the guy's voice from behind me. I could tell he was following me, but I didn't dare turn around. I just kept on going. "I order you to stop!" he yelled.

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