O n e (EDITED)

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»— ( Y / N ) —«

A welcoming wind greeted me as I headed out to the Candy Store. I came here with (Tb/n), but seems like he was going to do something else . . . Well, he probably is with his girlfriend . . . if he even have one.

Anyway, once I arrived at the Candy Store, there were some girls and boys gossiping and squealing as I came in. I eavesdropped on some :

"Is that the FAMOUS (Y/n) (L/n)!?"
"OMG, Its (Y/n) (L/n)!"
"That girl is friends with Bruce Wayne~!"

Well, I am one of Bruce's friends.... In Social Media! (Hahaha!) Anyway, back to reality. I eavesdropped on other's too :

"Who's she?"
"Why are people talking about her?"

I didn't really mind, it was no problem. I just grabbed my favorite candy and walked to the cashier. "Hello Ms. (L/n)," she greeted as I smiled at her and gave her the candy. "That would be $1.00, Ms. (L/n)."

I gave her the money and said, "Just call me (Y/n). (Y/n) is fine." I grabbed the candy, noticing some staffs behind her squealing. I thought I'm not gonna get crowded?

Well... I am not crowded, but you know what I mean. Then I walked out.

Once I got out, I pulled up my hoodie over my head (My over-sized (F/c) hoodie) to avoid fans. Then slipped my hands inside the pocket of my hoodie, where my candy is too.

I was walking around Ninjago. Then Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm. I thought I just skipped a heart beat. I looked up and saw, "(Tb/n)!" I hit him in the arm. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Love ya too, sis." He cooed as I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, wanna meet my friends?" he asked, still holding my hand dragging me somewhere.

"Oh, (Tb/n). I would love to see your girlfriend. Oh, and don't forget to add me on your wedding." I snickered.

He glared daggers at me. "No, (Y/n)!" he pouts before continuing. "I do not have a girlfriend and never will." he said and huffed.

I giggled, "You'll regret that."

"You haven't been to a relationship." he snapped

"Back to you!" I snapped back, laughing. He huffed and rolled his eyes.


After the conversation of Relationships, he led me to a boat? "Why did you lead me to a—"

The boat is in land . . . suspicious.

Before I could ask, (Tb/n) yelled, "Jay! Jay!"

After a minute a guy in blue leaned over the rails to see us. "Hey, (Tb/n)! Nice girl you got there! And, where's your sister?"

I took off my hood, revealing my (H/l) (H/c) hair. "She's actually right here..." I said. Jay looked at me.

Jay smiled, "Come in, M'lady," He gestured.

"No flirting with my sister, Jay!" (Tb/n) spat.

Jay rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

As I got up the boat, I saw a guy in a red gi admiring the clouds (for some reason). "Kai meet (Tb/n)'s adorable sister~. She so cute~!" Jay squealed. 'Kai' turned to me and bowed.

"You must be (Y/n). I'm Kai. Over there, the motormouth, that's Jay." Kai said, causing Jay to glare at him while (Tb/n) glared at Kai then him. (Tb/n) held my hand and led me inside.

"I'll introduce you to the others . . ." he trailed off, still glaring at Jay and Kai. Once were inside I saw a titanium guy in white in the kitchen and a raven haired guy eating cake (why not?).

The white one must've noticed me. "Greetings," He faced me. "You must be (Y/n), I'm Zane Julien, a nindroid."

I smiled at him and looked at (Tb/n) confused on the word Nindroid. But atleast someone answered me,

"Nindroid is like a robot, but ninja." The raven hair guys said, stuffing his mouth with cake. "I'm Cole Brookstone, the earth ninja." He greeted.

Suddenly, a guy came out, yawning. He was in a green gi. He has blonde hair and green eyes. "Who's the new girl, (Tb/n)?" He asked, looking at me, curiously.

"TWIN SISTER!!!" My brother corrected. (Tb/n) must've been counting how many times people asks that. Lloyd looked at me, brow raised. (Tb/n) groaned.

"(Y/n). My name is (Y/n)." I said. He smiled and shook my hand.

"Sorry, (Tb/n) and nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, the green Ninja." He smiled, letting go my hand.

"Oh, so you guys are the Ninja(s) my brother was talking about." I said, looking at (Tb/n) who was nodding.

"Anyways," Jay opened the TV to watch some Good Morning Ninjago (umm... Just an update news). I sat down on the couch beside (Tb/n) and listened to Kate and Ben.

Kate: "So Ben... Guess what social media was going crazy about in Ninjago?"

I pulled on my hoodie, knowing the answer.

Ben: "Of cource, Kate! Its the Most Adorable and Cutest person in Gotham, Lego and EVEN Ninjago City, (Y/n) (L/n)!"

It took a while for them to take in. "WHAT?!" Everyone exclaimed in the room except for (Tb/n) (of cource). I blushed at everyone's outburst.

Well, figures out I'm Top 1 (hehehe) this is awsome, Oh, and I'm famous here . . . That would be hard to avoid fans.

"Your famous in the three countries?!" Kai asked, I nodded my head slowly (my hood was still on).

Suddenly, (Tb/n) tossed me a bag—which is mine— and it was heavy. "Were having a sleepover, (n/n)!" I looked at him with a 'What?' expression. He looked back at me with the puppy eyes.

Fudge . . .

I sighed and nodded as everyone exclaimed: "YAY!"

"Wanna watch a movie?" Lloyd asked everyone.

"Sure . . ."

"Heck, yeah!"

"What movie, though?" Lloyd asked.

I laughed, "Y'know.... SPLIT!" (The horror-thriller film) I giggled.

(Tb/n) almost screamed like a girl. He just shrieked and said, "NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!" He breathed heavily.

"I'm Hedwig..... And I'm eight years old." I mimicked Hedwig.

"(Y/n)! Remember what you promised me: After we watch that movie — by you forcing — We will never watch it ever again."

I sighed. "Gee, then The Avengers." I said.

"Phew." He sighed in relief.

"Alright, Cap. (n/n)." Lloyd chuckled, adding the CD in.

"I'm gonna eat (F/c)." I said, slipping my candy out of my hoodie. Lloyd must've seen my candy and gasped.

"Can I have?!"

To Be Continued.


Hope you enjoyed it! 👍

Toodle On!

A Twin's Broken Heart  ↬  Lloyd x Reader (|| UNDER EDITING ||)Where stories live. Discover now