-|The Twins of Balance|- Chapter Eight

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~Narrator's POV~
Once the ninjas reached the Bounty, they confronted Sensei Wu and told him about their thrilling adventure.

". . . And then there were these-these TWINS! That just beated the crap out of Acidicus and his tribe." Jay explains with enthusiasm.

"Jay, language . . ." Cole said in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry." Jay smiled sheepishly.

"Sensei, do you have any chance of knowing the twins?" Zane asks his sensei, Sensei Wu who hesitated on trying to find the right answer.

He can't tell who's the twins or else they would know their identities.

"They're the new heroes who will save Ninjago." Sensei Wu would pass the Prophecy of The Yin-Yang Twins.

"Pfft, save?! They couldn't even -" Jay cuts himself as he reads the prophecy. "Nevermind."

"A new evil will arise?" Lloyd reads out. "What does that mean, uncle?"

"Something much darker than your father and the Overlord. I do not know what that 'New Evil' is, but I know that it's more powerful than the Overlord and your father." Sensei Wu says.

Kai taps his chin with his index finger, "I wonder what that 'New Evil' is."

"Even it states that the twins have . . . Oh, my Ninjago." Zane gasps.

"What is it, Zane?"

"It states that the twins have Elemental Powers! One is Light and the other is Darkness. They harness your powers, Sensei." Zane says, looking at sensei.

Sensei sighed, "Yes."

"So that means you don't have your powers?!" Jay asks with a worried tone.

"I still have my Elemental Dragon, but I know that I don't have my powers anymore." Sensei Wu says.

Jay sighs in relief, "That's good to know. But do you happen to know who are they, Sensei?"

"Like I said, I do not know, but they're also known as the (Quiet one . . . JK) Twins of Balance." Sensei says.

"Where's (Y/n)?" Lloyd asks.

Sensei hesitated once more. "Probably she's with her brother." Sensei turns to Zane. "Zane, have you made dinner yet?"

"I'm not the one cooking, Sensei. Cole is." Everyone realized that Cole wasn't in the room, but was in the kitchen.


By his horrible singing:

"Shine little Glow Worm,
Glimmer, Glimmer
Hey little Glow Worm,
Don't Get Dimmer!" Cole sang a bit loud.

It was 7:01. And the twins haven't arrived yet. Lloyd paced around in circles, wondering where (Y/n) has gone. Jay and Kai are playing games on their console. And as for Zane, he helped Cole cook.

Suddenly, the door slammed open . . .

Before the End Catchphrase, I just wanna say thank you for all the support you gave onto this book . . . I just suddenly fangirl when I see how many reads this book gets. But if you're wondering why the title is a Twin's Broken Heart . . . You have to figure that out. I'll put a warning when this book gets . . . Let's say darker.

That's just ONE clue.

  Hope you enjoyed it! 👍

Toodle On!

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