Chapter 2

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3 months later••••••••••••••••••••

"Angelina reach me my pearls on the dresser please!" mama screams.

I sigh but do as I'm told. I still can't believe were moving to the white house. Now we have to dress formal for this meet and greet. I walk into the almost empty room to grab the pearls. I wont miss the apartment as much as I should. Maybe there were just so many nights that I was left in hatred I just never grew memories for this place.

I'm wearing this red body dress, it doesn't hug me like the ones on bgc but they are fit for my body. White pearls accompany my outfit along with short black heels. Before I walk downstairs, I stop by the bathroom. Taking my last look into the mirror I notice my dress is cuter than I thought. My curly black hair fell down my back. My hazel eyes sparkle, I'm in the moment I haven't looked this good since well, forever. Tonight we meet and greet the president and his family. Tomorrow we visit all the rooms in the house and have a nice dinner cooked all by mama. Maybe it was time for a new start, new beginnings for us Roses.

"We're riding in a limo nana."

"Yes dear, mama will be the presidents chef, she must arrive in style!" says nana.

I laugh at her tone, sarcastic, I love it! We live over in Annapolis, Maryland. Washington DC isn't too far along. That's where we used to live when daddy was around. Daddy died from lung cancer. It was one of those things where you walk around with a stage 4 cancer and don't even know it. Then before you know it, its too late and the doctor gives you 30 days. In those 30 days daddy and I would sit and talk for hours about my future. Daddy and I were always close, but love doesn't last forever. Daddy died the day before nana's 60th birthday. The funeral was held a week later. I will never forget my father.

About 5 years later when I turned 12 began to get out of character and act bad. I was kicked out of three good public schools in Maryland. I got at least ten suspensions all throughout middle school. Then in 9th grade my behavior got worse. I began fighting girls and cursing teachers out. Just because I felt like it. I never took any bullshit from anybody no matter what. Mom and I lost our relationship basically when I started 10th grade. We got in a huge argument about how she never loved me enough, maybe I was wrong for calling her out, and she was wrong for admitting to it. We never talked the same since. I mean there were times where we hung out and had fun, but a stupid petty argument always tagged along.

"Angelina, please mind your manners baby, we don't need any first impressions of us, this is the White House, and Mr.Styles is a very particular man, we all must adjust to his rules and not neglect his desires." mama says.

"I'll try mama, just don't expect me to wear a fake smile, I'm not phony."

We all laugh in the moment. We all feel so..., riding in a limo going to the White House. Wearing fancy dresses and jewelry never felt so good, compared to wearing Target brand clothes all the time.

The limo stops at the gate and continues. I feel the gravel rumble underneath us. We take a slight turn into the loop in front of what looks like the side of the house. Mama and nana beam at each other, then at me. The limo door opens by a man in a black suit and very serious face. He's wearing a name tag that reads "Bill." He seems nice, probably will run into him a lot now that I'll be living here. We all get out after each other. Bill greats each of us politely and motions us to the double doors. The sun peaks out from behind the trees. The garden to the left is so beautiful, filled with roses and tulips. I can't wait to venture through there. The doors open as Bill motions a key in front of a scanner.

A blast of air hits our warm bodies. Theres's an elegant center piece in the middle of a table. The flowers are filled with roses, just like the garden outside. The table is big enough for at least 10 people. Hopefully all the chairs at the table won't be filled. The ceiling held a looks like 50 piece chandelier. The lights glisten underneath. The floors were black, black hardwood.

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