Chapter 1

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"Ms.Rose, there's no way were talking suspension, were talking expulsion." Mr.Haynes words make my hands fold up into fist. My ears shoot out invisible fire. I'm ready to explode like a volcano until, my mother walks in. Mom takes a seat next to me as Mr.Haynes sips coffee from his mug.

"Sorry I'm late Mr.Haynes, traffic was horrible!" my mother whispers.

"It's completely fine Ms.Rose, this will only take a few minutes, well we are sorry to inform you that your daughter has reached her limit of suspensions and the only option left is to expel her from this school. Today after class Angelina kicked open a door accidentally hitting a teacher. The teacher is in ICU, the teacher flew over the staring well and onto the floor." he sighs and waits for mom to respond.

"Ragazza maledetta cosa è il tuo problema si è sempre im guai!" she says.

I know she's upset because she's speaking italian. Translation " damn girl whats your problem your always in trouble!" . I shake my head, thinking of an excuse of , oh I didn't see her.

"Mama, I swear it was an accident, Ms.Scott was trying to make me-"

"No, it's always Ms.Scott just learn to respect the lady Angelina!" she says.

My eyes flutter from her tone of voice, I've really done it now. Because now I have to be homeschooled. This is like my 4th expulsion, I always seem to be in trouble. I can't help my desire to have fun but I always end up getting in trouble. There's a long moment of silence until Mr.Haynes speaks again.

"Angelina, Ms.Rose, tomorrow will be your last day at Monroe Academy High-school. Paper work will be sent home for confirmation of expulsion and your agreement of homeschool situations, ah uh... And good luck Ms.Angelina." his words were staggered. I'm just about done with Mr.Haynes he can never make up his damn mind it seems.

"Whatever, I don't care!" I stand from my seat and storm out the door. I'll be homeschooled it's a better option for me anyways. Less distractions of drama and other crap that involved me. My foot steps are so loud they almost make the floor shake. I walk out the front door and the car is parked out in the loop. The sun is setting and the clouds are beginning to pour in. It'll probably rain sometime later tonight. Whenever it rains and I'm upset I walk outside to clear my mind. I reach the car and It's locked. I don't have any keys to this car, mama doesn't trust me, guess I can't really blame her.


Jabbing my keys into the door I already know I'm in for a long talk with nana. My nana claimed she's only living with us for protection but I really know she just wants to rule my life. Mama doesn't pay me much mind when it comes to my future, so I guess I have to be grateful for nana. Mama didn't speak to me for the whole car ride. I figure she's still upset that this is my fourth expulsion and that I can no longer go to public schools. Private schools are basically out of our league, mama doesn't make enough money to pay for the tuition. Which doesn't bother me, I don't think I could last one second in those private schools. Fancy skirts, knee socks and polos?! Not my thing.

I finally get my key to stick in the lock and turn it. Walking in I notice a big banner saying "Congratulations Presidential Chef Aubrey!"

My hear pauses for a minute. Presidential? What is this presidential shit? Am I dreaming or what? Nana walks out the kitchen with a small chocolate chip cake, mama's favorite.

"Congratulations Aubrey, the phone call came today and I couldn't let this pas without a warm surprise!" Nana says. Wait did I miss something that mama and nana haven't told me. Mom runs over to give nana a huge hug. My eyes are almost pinned to my forehead.How the hell could they not tell me she applied for a job as the president's chef? Wow communication is really strong in this apartment. Without taking another look at either of them, I just go into my room. Keeping secrets is always best for a weak mother and daughter relationship.

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