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I set up the towels with Gracie and Josie and Danny helped with everything else.


The guys were all off either in the water or playing volleyball.


That left Josie, Gracie, Danny, and I sitting on the towels.


“So what’s been up with you guys?” I asked.


“Nothing much, Liam and I are the same.” she whispered smirking.


“Did you and Lou, reach your climax?” she winked.


“No not yet.” I said quietly.


“Don’t worry honey, its coming soon.” she touched my thigh.


“Yeah,” Josie added.


“Don’t wish for it too soon.” Gracie mumbled.


“Gracie what’s wrong?” I whispered scooting a bit closer to her.


Danny and Josie excused themselves to go play in the water.


“Nothing.” She shook her head.


“Gracie, you can’t lie to me. What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked a bit more sternly.


“My life is screwed.” She said her whole facial expression dropping.


“No its not.” I tried to comfort her.


“How do you know, Bella? You haven’t been in my situation.” she said.


“Tell me, you can trust me.” I pleaded.


“You haven’t been 19 and pregnant.” she said.


I was shocked at how she looked.


“Well Harry would be a great father.” I whispered.



“Harry? Its not his Bella.” she looked down.


I shook my head confused at what just happened.


“It all happened so fast, we were drunk and fighting and there were so many people at the party I couldn’t help myself and before I knew it I-I woke up beside some guy with a massive hangover.” she said as her voice started to get shaky.


I pulled her into a hug rubbing her back slightly.

“Does he know?” I asked.

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