830 54 6

26 minutes

"Is your friend well off ? Must be if he lives here."

"Seems like it."

"You don't know ?"

"We don't talk about this, I'm his friend not his banker."

"He must trust you a lot to ask for help for his new collection. I bet it's still a secret."


"Clothes and business go well together. He has to be careful if he wants his idea to stay his."

"What are you into ?"


"Gosh that's not what I was asking, about business I meant what kind of business ?"

"Why should I tell you ?"

"I told you a secret !"

"How can I be sure you won't come here again to rob me ?"

"I'm not a thief, I'm a good, well-mannered person who is only making conversation."

"Good? You said I was going to end up in Hell."

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