Chapter 1

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I woke up to the most annoying and dreadful sound. It was a loud high pitched scream like noise. It was ...... my alarm.

"UGHHHHH just one day when I don't have to wake up and hear this sound." I thought

"That day was yesterday " my bat, Allison answered

"Well it doesn't feel like it was yesterday" I replied.

I got off of my bed and headed off to the bathroom to freshen up. My eyes landed on the mirror, and I took in my figure. My blonde hair was a mess. My blue eyes had a few dark circles underneath them. My freckles were standing out on my pale skin and I stunk.

Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself completely. My name is Astrid Parker, Princess of the Vampire kingdom. I have an older sister, her name is Valerie. 

In our world, Vampires can do everything a normal human being can except for one thing, we cannot roam around in the daytime. Firstly, because at that time our adversaries, the werewolves roam around the city, Those dumb dogs are hated by all vampires including me. I don't like how they growl and snarl at everything they see. They have let their animalistic characteristics get the best of them.

The second reason we don't go out in the day, is because the elders have warned us that anyone who ever did stay outside suffered a severe punishment. What was the punishment? .The elders refused to tell us. But rumor has it that it is extremely painful. 

Anyway back to the topic, I picked up my toothbrush and started to brush my small but sharp fangs. After that, I decided to take a shower because of the bad smell emitting from me.

"Today is going to be a long night" I muttered

"Yeah, but you'll get to see Jack" Allison replied

I smiled at the thought of him. Jack was my fiancé. Dads friend King Aurthur, his wife Elizabeth and their son Jack had visited our kingdom, upon meeting Jack and I developed a bond immediately, a few months later we had gotten engaged.

At this time my older sister Valerie was already engaged to Alex who were both mates as well.  Jack and I however were not mates but that doesn't mean anything to Allison and I. We still love Jack

"Princess, Queen Clarissa wishes to see in the Great hall within 20 minutes please" a servant informed me

"Okay, thank you" I yelled back while trying to wrap the towel around my wet hair. 

My mom and dad basically arranged a Mates Ball tonight. Vampires from all around the world were invited.It was basically held so that vampires could find their soul mates. 

 I had very little time to get ready, I dashed out of my bedroom and into my walk in closet. Grabbing my dress that had been ironed and was hanging in one of the racks I quickly started to change. 

My dress for today was long black dress. It had a lacy top but had a fawn cloth stitched underneath, the creamy sheets of silk gave more definition to the black color on top. The bottom was a handful of black net and fabrics skillfully stitched together to for a beautiful midnight black color skirt. It had tiny bits of glitter scattered in it that would glow whenever any type of light would shine on them making the skirt prominent among the crowd. 

Once I was finished with the my makeup, I quickly called on of the maids to help me in hair and makeup. She gave my hair a bit of volume from the front and curled my long blonde hair, letting them fall loosely on my back. For makeup she applied a metallic gold color on my eyelids followed by a dark liner that contoured my eye making it more evident. I topped off the look with golden stilettos and headed out of bedroom door ready to face the people accumulated in the Great Hall.

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