Chapter 12

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to my friend Alishba because its her birthday and this is a small gift from me. Hope you like the chapter! 

The news of Valerie being Igneous the dragon of fire was quite shocking as well as threatening. I mean its not everyday you hear that your sister is one of the most powerful creatures in the universe. 

After Jack had told me about Blaire I understood his position and why he did what he did. I hadn't forgiven him fully but I had stopped being mean to him. He had told me so much about his kingdom and how Blaire was an amazing Queen to his people. She sounded like an amazing person. Xavier had insisted Jack to stay for a while longer so that I could interview him about his kingdom. 

"It was nice to see you after such a long time Alpha" said Jack. Even though I hadn't forgiven him I still felt kind of sad that he was leaving. "See you later Luna"

"Good bye Jack" said Xavier. 

The door closed and Jack was gone. I sighed and sat on the couch. Hearing everything about my previous kingdom had just sucked out the energy from me. I wasn't feeling happy but kind of sad. I missed my parents, Aunt Blaze and my people a lot. I was raised in that kingdom after all.

"You okay?" asked Xavier 

"Yeah I'm----" I was cut off my a loud boom from outside. Xavier and I ran outside to see the cause of the noise. Our eyes landed on a medium size rock near the end of town and beginning of the woods. Dark black smoke was emitting from it because of the blazing red fire around it. Xavier and I ran towards the rock and tried to get everyone away from it.

Adrian came rushing up to us along with Chloe by his side. He took Xavier aside from everyone.

"Alpha many people were crushed by the rock including....... Jack" i heard their conversation

Jack is dead? oh my gosh no. no no no.

"Astrid honey it'll be okay" Chloe snapped me out of my thoughts "We're going to get everything under control" she said squeezing my hand a bit. I gave her a small smile. She then went to help out some of the families

I directed my gaze back towards the rock and my eyes landed on a small object neatly attached to it. It had a small bubble around it for protection from the fire. I knew it was a spell I had learned it in the vampire kingdom since we were kids. I slowly walked over to the rock and touched the it. A shock went through my arm but I was able to grab what was inside. It was a small note.

Get ready for war mutts

My throat went completely dry. It was as if someone was strangling me. My heart just sank into my chest and breathing became foreign to me.

"Xavier?"  I said. It was barely above a whisper. I saw him standing next to Adrian helping someone. "Xavier" I tried again but my voice wasn't audible. 

"Astrid? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Chloe came running up to me. I hadn't realized I was shaking. 

I saw Xavier's gaze snap towards me. He approached me within seconds and was shaking me but the only response I gave was handing him the note. His eyes widened as he read what was written on it.

"Well you can only fight fire with fire" said Xavier

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