Chapter 10

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It had been a few days since Xavier and I had gotten married. The news had spread like wild fire and a few days later many of Xaviers realtives had visited us.
"Thanks for coming Aunt Chloe" Xavier said waving goodbye to her as she got in the car and sent us flying kisses
"Wow Xavier your relatives and parents are really nice" I said smiling but I knew he sensed the sadness in my voice. I missed my home, parents and relatives dearly.
"Oh Astrid" he came and wrapped his arms around me from behind, putting his chin on my head.
"I miss them a lot sometimes you know" I said trying to hold back tears.
"I know you do" he said. We both stayed silent for a moment, me because I was trying to calm down ,him because he was giving me space.

"Okay come on. Let's go outside, I don't like you when you're sad" He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside ignoring my protests about how my energy is a scarce resource. As I was walking I heard a voice inside me head


I froze and Xavier turned to look at me confused.
"Who was that?" I said looking around going closer to Xavier

I'm in your head idiot I'm your wolf Sheira

"That was you" he replied, amusement clearly visible in his voice. "You haven't really gotten being used to a werewolf have you?"

"No, but why is she growling?" I said

"She wants to be let out, wolves don't like to stay in there for long you know? You got to set them free from time to time" he stated. He opened the door and we started to head towards the forest. "You can set her free in the forest"

Upon reaching my wolf instantly took control causing me to shift , Xavier shifted as well and I observed his wolf's features. I saw that he was 3x as huge as me because he was sort of towering me. His wolf was brown with black spots in specific places tho his paws were completely black.
His wolf cane forward and nudged me commanding me to move forward and I did. We both sprinted through the forest enjoying the cold wind hitting our faces. We kept running deeper and deeper through he forest. It had been a long time since I had done something like this because even at home nobody ever took me to the woods. I couldn't go alone cause mom would never allowed me to, now I know why.
Xavier and I stopped near the pond Rodney had caught me. I went towards it and smiled at my reflection. First time I had seen my reflection in this pond I was a girl who was weak, scared and sad but now I'm someone who is strong, courageous and exultant. Turning towards Xavier, I saw that he was in human form staring at me in curiosity. I shifted back and went to stand beside him.

"What were you staring at?" he asked

"Well last time I was here I ---" I was cut off my a deafening sound followed by smoke. Xavier and I turned towards the source of the sound in shock. We ran back towards the town in horror.
Arriving we saw people running out of their houses in panic and worry, while Adrian tried to calm them down.
I spotted the source of the stone and realized it was coming from behind the northern mountains. I quickly ran towards it. Reaching I looked down to see a rock covered in purple liquid. Instantly I knew it was from the vampire kingdom, the rock was covered in a smoke spell. A common weapons vampires use to warn our enemies, but this was not what shocked me. The fact that the rock was blasted at daytime was something that shocked me.
"Who would do this?" Xavier growled
"Vampires" sheira growled

Valerie's P.O.V

It had been weeks since Astrid had died and everything was starting to get normal. Dad would attend his meetings and do his royal duties. Mom would attend to her royal duties and I would try to find something to do in the castle. I didn't like going in the library cause that's what nerds like Astrid do.

My eyes shot open and I looked at my alarm, it was still morning. I hissed and buried my face in the pillow. After shifting in the bed for what seemed like hours I realized I couldn't sleep. I got off of my bed and dropped onto the couch, grabbing my phone I opened Instagram and skimmed through it but halted when I saw a familiar face. I scrolled up and stopped dead in my tracks. I saw HER.

What how? I thought she was dead!

So did I. That was what the guard had said. How dare he lie to e about this. I turned back to the picture and saw that Astrid was standing next to a man. It took me a while but I recognized him. It was Alpha Xavier. I  read the title. "Alpha of the Moonstone pack married to the former princess of the vampires"

Married? What the actual hell is going on?

I got off of the couch and stormed out of the room. How is she still alive.? i knocked lividly on my parents's room. The door slowly opened and I was greeted by my moms pissed expression.

"Valerie what are ---" I didn't let her complete her sentence but pushed past her and into the room.

My dad was rubbing his eyes and sitting up on the bed. I ignored my moms yelling and threw it on dads lap. He looked at me with confusion and then back at the phone. He read what was on he screen and I saw anger appearing on his face.


I was taken back. He's supposed to be mad at the guard who let her go not me.

"But dad the guard---" 

"Whatever Jonathan did with her was not your problem it was your fathers Valerie. You should no longer keep information about Astrid. mom said heading towards me. 

"Clarissa tell this girl to leave the room at once" said dad

"Why aren't you---" I was cut off by dad yelling


I felt anger rise up from within me. My body started shaking and anger turned into pain. I let out a scream. I heard someone yelling my name and realized it was mom but the torture was too much for me to focus on my surroundings. I fell onto the floor and let out a whimper in agony. The pain slowly faded away and my eyes shot open again. I rose up and let out a roar.

"Valerie?" i heard my name from below

I looked down and saw that my parents were standing on the floor and they looked do tiny. Wait a second what am I ?

"You're Igneous the dragon of Fire" mom said gasping

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