Headcannon #4 - what Peter is like in your relationship

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Quick A/N - Ah im sorry about the slow updates ive just been so busy with exam revision. I promise ill be more consistant with my updates...

- will not get jealous no matter how hard you try and make him

- kinky bastard

- literally accepted his job in the FBI just because he fancied you

- has literally taken a bullet for you.... twice

- will not leave you and hoffman alone together for more and ten minutes

- always being confused about yours and lindseys inside jokes about him

- you offen argue about how adventurous and daring you are because its almost led to both of you being killed and he only wants you to be safe.... and not to get shot.... again

- when your alone you sometimes sing to yourseld but sometimes when Peter gets home early and you dont notice he will secretly stand and listen to you

- is an actual teddy bear

- if anyone tries to hurt you he will cut them

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