Chapter 14

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Nick P.O.V
Lol, chazzee funny saying i have a small d*ck that hilarious. She most not know who she talking to. As im scrolling through her pic i saw someone said jade should know. Omgg really honestly that was so long ago. I heard a knock at the door i get up to go answer it. hey babe. Ughh jade what do you want. I want to apologize for how i acted and i want to say whoever chazzee is im sorry as well. I accept your apologies. Can we start over nick?  Honestly jade i think it best if we dont we always breaking up. but this time thin will change. okay, jade if you say so.

Chazzee P.O.V
After i got off Instagram i hear a knock at my door meaning my girls are here. I ran to the door and open it to see Nicole, Zoey, Olivia, and hope at the door. Chazzee are you ready. I was born ready i smiled at my girls and we headed to the airport.
As we reach the airport i put my phone on airplane mode and boarded the plane. LA here i come.
Edwin P.O.V
As i walk in the house i saw jade and Nick cuddling on the couch are you fucking serious right now. I got on my phone and texted Brandon

Eggwin: b guess what i walk in the house and see.

What Austin pretending to be naruto again.

Lol no but that was funny. Nick is cuddling and you won't believe who with.

Omgg is it chazzee. what does she look like?

No not with chazzee with jade i guess their back together.

Man what im so confused didn't they break up but like officially.

Ik mee too but Chazzee coming to town in two hours so I'm gonna surprise her u wanna come with me to surprise her.

Ouuu yea pick me up at 5 o'clock

Okay lol

After i texted Brandon i texted chazzee and told her to tell me when she getting off the plane. i put my phone away and went in the living room and nick and jade was sleep i went in the kitchen and grab a glass i turned around and seen jade behind me. Oh shit you scared me like that. Im sorry edwin she smiled. What Do you want jade besides playing my boy. Im not playing your boy for you information i love nick. Mhm well, i got to go i said and walk past her and out to go to the studio for 2 hours.

Chazzee P.O.V
I landed in LA with my girls and the girls was off to check in i wanted to explore a little bit i turn my phone on and off airplane mode to see Edwin texted me i texted him back.

Hey eggwin i just landed

Where are u im here


 im outside by this black car that's in the way tho.

Next thing i know i seen a curly head, a dread head, a long blond head and a brown/black hair with glasses get out the car.
EGGWIN i said smiling and giving him a hug. Damn chazzee you look better in person. Oh, stop it. Anyway, chazzee meets Brandon, zion, and Austin. Guys this is chazzee. Wait how you know chazzee. Me and eggwin here communicated a few times. Oh damn. Wait speaking of communicating where nick. Oh, nick is at home with his girlfriend. What you mean girlfriend didn't him and jade break up zion said. Yea they did but i guess jade got him in his head. Damn, i hate her . we all do zion you not the only one. But anyway what do you want to do while you here. Well, i want to go shopping i need new clothes ouuu and shoes. So i said moving closer to the boys which one of you gentlemen wanna go to the mall with me. All the boys back up instead of Edwin. Aww, eggwin you sweet let goo. Wait can yall drop us off first. Yea come on. We all climb in the car and drove away as we drive away no more by pretty much came on and they started getting lit Brandon got on his Snapchat and started recording me and zion dancing. Aye, go chazzee get it zion aye. After no more came off we arrived at the house. they climb out and said bye. Bye chazzee see you later Brandon said. Bye yall see ya later i waves then Edwin drove off. MALL HERE I COME.

A/n: Hey guys how are u guys i hope everyone is ok and had a good week of school i didn't. But anyway I hope you guys liked my book so far do forget to comment bye love, you guys.😇💚💖💓