chapter 17

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Chazzee P.O.V.
After the show, we went into the changing room and change back into our regular clothes. I wore this

I put on my shoes and my phone vibrated

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I put on my shoes and my phone vibrated. It was nick texting me again.

Are u still meeting me?

It depends.

It depends on what.

Did u get food?

I got some gummy bears.

Im omw.


I locked my phone and walk towards the practice room to see a girl talking to nick. I was about to walk towards them until i got pulled i turned around to see Edwin. Hey, what was that for. For you to not walk over there. Why not. Because you was supposed to hang out with me remember you texted me and told me you was. I know it just nicks wanted to talk to me. Well, can he hang later i wanna go get food? What kind of food. Im feeling pizza. Omg yess lets goo. I said walking towards the exit.  pizza here we come. OMG calm down i got to go get my phone. Okay, hurry up as he walks toward nick going in the room causing nick to look up from his girlfriend looking at me. After what felt like forever Edwin came back. Hey, you ready to go now. Yes, let go i said and turned around going to the door leaving this time.

Nick P.O.V.
After i texted the chazzee i waited by the practice room so we can talk i wanted to explain to her everything as i was waiting for i seen jade walking up to me. Hey, babe, you did so well. Thanks, bae. You wanna go get something to eat im in the mood for some pizza. Yea. As i was waiting i seen Edwin walk into the practice room i looked up and seen chazzee down the hall we made eye contact for about three minutes until Edwin walk up to her then they left did she just ditch me. I looked back at jade and seen her looking at her phone. Who are you texting? Huh oh, no one really so ready for pizza. Yea lets go. We headed to the pizza shop and as we walk in i seen chazzee and Edwin sitting at a table. Babe can we sit next to Edwin. Umm yea sure we walk over and jade seat next to chazzee and i sat next to Edwin. I looked at chazzee and she was giving me what the fuck you want look. I looked at jade and she was on her phone again i look at Edwin and he was texting chazzee. I look back at chazzee and she was just looking at me. I smiled at her and she smiled back then looked at her phone.

Chazzee P.O.V.
Me and Edwin are sitting down at the pizza plaza and we started talking to 10 minutes later nick's girlfriend sat by me and she just looked at me then went on her phone then i looked at nick and gave him wtf u want look. I looked over at nick's girlfriend i don't even know the girl name and she was texting this boy name jack talking about imu babe. I know what im about to do is wrong i looked at nick to see him smiling at me i smiled back then my phone vibrated i look at my phone and seen Edwin texted me.

im sorry about them. I wanted to hang with you since i ditched you.

It okay hey so nick's girlfriend is cheating on Nick.

How do u know?

Cause she texting this boy name jack talking about babe imu.

What are u going to do?


*Later that night*

Nick, i gotta tell me something.

What is it

I think your girlfriend is cheating on you.

Stop lying why would you say something like that you love me.

Wait are you over here trying to blame me for what I said OK whatever have it your way then you get your heart broke but don't come crying to me because I don't wanna hear the bullshit have a nice life and all but I won't if you don't think she's cheating ask her tomorrow then✌🏽👌🏽💯.

*Chazzee is unavailable*

What is wrong with him I can't believe he didn't believe me why would I lie about something even though we got it for the arguments I would still tell him the truth from that one but hey I sigh and put down my phone walking downstairs to get something to drink I stopped at the tracks when I see a note on the fridge dear honey I'm sorry you had to find out like this but I am on a business trip for a few months I love you so much and I will call you when I can hugs and kisses mom oh my God I say and walked upstairs into my room set my water down a nightstand and crawled in bed having sleep take over me.

Nick p.o.v
I can't believe Chazzee Would actually say something like that she's just trying to make me and Jade Break up I locked my phone and lay down and then I went to sleep.