Chapter 26

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Brandon P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing I look to see that it was Chazzee phone. I smiled to myself​ as I remember how Chazzee wanted me to stay with her. As I look at her phone I seen that it was alex. Who TF is Alex I thought​ as I woke up Chazzee. Chazzee woke up someone calling you. Chazzee woke up looking cute as ever. She looked at her phone and answer it. I listen to the conversation as she smiled that smiled I love to see so much Mann she got me going crazy.

Chazzee P.O.V
I groan as Brandon shook me I just wanted to sleep I looked at my phone and seen it was my brother Alex the last time I seen him was two years ago.
Hello lil sis
Hi Alex
Where are you
I'm in lA for a few days
Ouuu Mee to​ we should meet up
Okay bye love you
Love u too lil sis
I hung up the phone and look at Brandon to staring at me. What Brandon.Who was that u was just talking too. My brother stop worrying..Oh your brother how old is he. He 22. Ohh okay so what do you wanna do today. Honestly I don't kno-wait don't you have practice today. Ughhh I forgot about that. Can I tag along until I go meet my brother Alex. Sure but Nick is gonna be there. What the point I can't avoid him forever even tho he is a dick. I said as I get out of bed. Come on get dressed so we can go to practice. You mean so I can go and what am I going to wear. You can go in the closet on the left I have some of my brothers clothes Barrow something. I'm going to go take a shower real quick. As I walk to the bathroom and took a warm shower.
*After the shower*
I got dressed and put on this

I walk out the bathroom and walk back in my room to see Brandon sleep. I got out my phone and took a picture of him. Then I threw a pillow at him causing him to wake up. Come on Brandon you gonna be late. Okay fine I'm up. But you look pretty. Awe thanks brandon. Let go I said as we make our way done stairs and out the door.
We walk in the studio and seen Edwin and Austin. Alien and eggwin I laughed going over to them. Is that my Best Friend Edwin yells. Um no it Jake from state farm I yelled while laughing. I hug Austin and then hug edwin. Where Zion an- before I get to Nick name Zion come in running like a maniac. Bro y'all will never believe what nick did okay or hey Chazzee HR said hugging me anyway he was walking in target and like this girl came up to him and was like you betrayed our queen I'm lost like WTF is she talking about till it him me so she yelled attack and a while squad of girls start charging towards him I told him to run and I just started laughing it was do funny. After Zion told the story r every one start you laugh. Nick came busting in the door which made everyone laugh harder. OMG how was it getting chase by girls Brandon said laughing again. OMG I think I lost them he said looking up at me. Hey Brandon said stepping in front of me Austin follow behind. You not allowed to look at her. Bro I said I was sorry. Well u not gonna talk to her unt- no it okay edwin I'm fine besides it not like he had feelings for me I said smiling as my phone rang.
Phone conversation.

Chazzee: hello

Alex: hey sis you will never believe who in town.

Chazzee : who

Alex: Jack.

A/n: hey guys thanks so much for my book I'm sorry I haven't been u updating because I've been having school and I been going through some things