Chapter 1

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Shizuo's POV

Another night spent in Ikebukuro wandering the streets with a cigarette in hand. Pfft what a life I'm living.

Life was always boring whenever I wasn't in a fight with someone I absolutely despised. I hate to admit it, but at least it cured some of my boredom.

I stopped walking and grinned at my stupid thought.

The sound of a coin entering a bending  machine got my attention. I looked straight ahead down the sidewalk.

Right then and there my blood started to boil. I snapped my cigarette in half, then stomped it to a pulp.

There's only one person who gets my blood boiling this hot. Izaya Orihara.

The little bastard reached into the vending machine and pulled out a coke.

I twitched with anger when I heard him open the can of soda.

I couldn't contain my anger any longer, "IZAYA!!"

I pulled the nearest traffic sign out from the cold cement. Traffic sign in one hand, and a fist in the other, I stomped over to Izaya.

Izaya took a sip of his coke. Did he not even care that I was there? This is making me even more angry!

"IZAYA! PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHAT IM ABOUT TO SAY." I got within sign length. With one hand, I pulled the sign way back behind my head and then swung it as hard as I could. However, right when the sign was mere inches away from Izaya, he bounced back. Damnit, he dodged!

Instead of hitting Izaya, the sign went crashing into the vending machine.

"Hey, woah buddy. Don't make me spill my coke." Izaya grinned while holding the can level to his face.

"You bastard..." I swung my fist once. Must of been my lucky day, because I managed to hit his face and knock his "precious" coke out of his hand.

Izaya went flying back and hit a wall, "Hey, I was serious!"

"Fuck your coke." I rolled my sleeves up.

"You're paying for that." Izaya mumbled under his breath, partly from getting the air knocked out of his lungs.

"LIKE HELL I AM!" I leapt at Izaya, but he was too quick.

"Ha! Can't get me can yo-"

I swept under him while he was yapping. I managed to grab him by the ankle and lift him upward. This resulted in Izaya being held upside down.

I stood there for a moment. I was actually kinda shocked that I actually laid a finger on Izaya twice in one day.

Izaya broke the silence, "You know... the reason you hate me is simple."

"Yeah smart ass?" I spat in his face.

"Yes, really." Izaya grinned the most devilish smile I've ever seen him grin, "Its because you love me."

WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY? I was too shocked to realize I was blushing.

"See, you love me but are too embarrassed to admit it to yourself. So therefore, you leash out and say you hate me to hide the truth."

"You idiot." I said in a normal tone then I dropped Izaya on his head.

"Ouch..." Izaya said as I walked away with my hands in my pockets and my head down.

Why in the hell does Izaya think that?

To be continued...

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