I've never flirted with a man. Don't know how, I guess I never learned. I was never promiscuous in my adolescence. In fact I'm sure of myself to say that I'm still a virgin and I'm aged at 20. Laugh all you like, I say this for the few who are in a similar position. Do not be ashamed of yourself, persevere and know that you will find love and sex in the future.
Now I've been flirted with by another man, but this only happened once. And I REALLY didn't know how to handle it, so I was nervous as all hell. However I shut him down hard as I've said I'm not very promiscuous. Especially because he was known around the school as a womanizer and a std ridden one to boot so I REALLY wasn't interested at all. But it was flattering I suppose. It caught me off guard because as I've mentioned he was a womanizer not at all would I have pictured him as going both ways.
I've also flirted with a woman when I was in denial. I flirted with her outrageously so. I felt in the moment that I had to do it because it was what was expected of me. I find myself shivering with something close to disgust whenever I remember that this happened.
Flirting in my opinion is something said to another in order to provoke a feeling of happiness. There's nothing wrong with it, I just never put myself in a situation where it happens. Sure I compliment people sometimes even to a person who I feel attracted to, but it never goes beyond that. I don't have a flirting bone in me and maybe that's sad but I feel content and isn't that what we all want?